Got it Rough

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Sunday Night

3:00 AM

Madison pov

I wake up from another nightmare. It was about Trey kidnapping me and trying to hurt me. I scream into my pillow. I wonder if Trevor is awake. I know that it's late, but he still be up sometimes. I FaceTime him.

"Hey,Mads. Why are you calling so late?" he asks in a sleepy voice. His voice makes me blush.

"I had another nightmare." I tell him.

"What was it about?" He asks. He always asks what it's about so he can help me. It's cute.

"Trey was trying to kidnap me and hurt me." I say.

"Mads, You know Lucas will not let that happen and I damn sure not going to let that happen. Don't let that get to your head." He says. Trev is hella protective. He can be more protective than my brother sometimes. He's only like this with people he care about. Now that I think about it, he didn't act like that with his ex.

"I know, T, but it's still scary." I tell him.

"I get it, Mads, but you gotta remember that it's not real. If someone even tries to put their hands on you, I'm putting my hands on them." Trev says. I blush.

"You look tired. I should let you go to sleep." I tell him. Trev struggles with getting rest. He went to bed kinda early though so he might be fine.

"No. I want to help you. I'll be fine." Trevor says.

"But, Trev-" I was cut off.

"But, Trev nothing. I want to do this, Madison. We get up in like 3 hours anyway so I'm good.

"Whatever." I say. We talk for a little bit before I fall asleep.

Next day at lunch

Trevor pov

Madison and I were waiting for Carlos and Messiah when Nia walks up to our table.

"Hey, Trevor." She says. I hate this girl.

"No,Nia." I tell her.

"But why, Trev Trev?" She asks.

"Because I don't like your ass." I tell her.

"So you would rather hang out with Mute Maddie instead of me?" Nia says laughing. Mads grabs my arm tight. She has had a rough time at this school especially with the girls. A lot of guys actually find Mads cool. Nia is on the last straw.

"You should go, Nia." I say as calmly as possible. She walks away laughing and pointing at a crying Madison.

"Come on. Let's go to my car." I tell her. My car is the only place where Mads and I can get alone time without getting in trouble. I text Messiah and Carlos to tell them that we will be back at the table if they get there. When we get in my car, I turn the heater on because it's freezing.

"Why do they pick on me, T?" She says between sobs. I hate when Mads cry.

"They are jealous of you and upset that you are one of the best volleyball players in the country. You shouldn't even be concerned about Nia since it's her last year." I tell her. Nia is a senior with Daequan and Lucas. I don't know how they deal with her. Quan had warned me about her my freshman year, but I didn't think she was this bad.

"I know Trev, but those words hurt." She says as she climbs into my lap. I wrap my arms around her.

"I know Madison. It will get better, I promise." I tell her. I don't understand why the girls pick on her except for the ones on the volleyball team. She's beautiful, smart, nice and athletic. Any guy at our school would want to date her.

" I know you get tired of this." She says.

"No,Mads. I know how hard this is. I will never change this for the world." I tell her. I want to give Mads the world. We stay quiet for a few minutes before she says something.

"Trevor?" She ask. The way she says my name makes me blush.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Thank you." Mads say.

"No problem." I tell her. I let Mads wipe her face and we walk back to the cafeteria. I'm surprised that her makeup didn't smudge. It must be water proof.

"Where did y'all go?" Carlos asks.

"We just went to the car for a minute." I tell him.

Madison pov

Carlos didn't ask why we went to the car which was good. I know that I shouldn't let Nia get to my head, but it gets hard sometimes.

"Hey, failed abortion." Trey says. His insults don't even hurt me anymore.

"Hey, simp." I say rolling my eyes.

"Damn, that hurt." He says laughing. Trey is so aggravating.

"Dude, can you just leave Mads alone?" Trev says. I might have blushed. His protectiveness is adorable.

"What you going to do, fight me or something?" Trey asks laughing.

"You wanna see?" Trevor asked as he gets out of his seat. He has been wanting to fight Trey for a while.

"Woah woah woah. Chill! I'll leave you alone." Trey says. Trevor isn't that much taller than Trey. Trev is 6'3 and Trey is 6'0, but Trev has a ton of muscles from football.

"Thank you." I tell him.

"No problem." He says.

At home

I'm laying in my bed crying. Lucas is in his room while Mom had to go back to work. I just read some comments on my Instagram that really hurt me. Then, Trevor FaceTimes me. I wipe my face as quickly as possible before I answer.

"Hey, T." I say. He looks at me strange.

"Hey, Mads. How are you?" he asks.

"I'm good and you?" I lie.

"I'm ok. I know you are lying, Mads. Your eyes are red. What's going on?" He asks. I burst out crying.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes." T says before he hangs up the phone. He sure was there in 5 minutes like he said. He scoops me up into a hug.

"What happened?" He whispers. I grab Trevor's shirt tight.

"The comments on my Instagram." I say.

"What about them?" He asks.

"Just look." I tell him as I hand him my phone. He types the passcode in and runs my back as he reads the comments. He then stiffens.

"What the actual hell?!?!? Why are they saying this about you?" He says.

"I don't know, Trevor. Are they right? Am I really ugly and just try to get guy's attention?" I ask.

"Madison, what those girls and Trey are saying is bullshit. Don't believe it. None of it is true." He says.

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