Chapter 90: Sienna POV

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Hey guys!! SiSi here. I LOVE the song above! Make sure to check it out!! ^^^

SiSi out.

I grabbed my head tightly, falling to my knees at the unbearable pain shooting through my temples.  I cried out in agony and fell on my side, unable to control myself as I thrashed from the pain.  I heard a thump next to me as Emma fell down as well.  My cries filled my ears and blocked out her's, but it didn't hide the terror in her eyes. 

Then I felt something slipping from my brain.  I grabbed onto it with my mind, desperate to keep it within, but the force pulling it was stronger.  

For a moment the memory being taken flashed in front of me as it passed the back of my eyes.

It was of a much younger Bridget and Audrey.  They had large army of elves supporting them from behind--much larger than the one that was living in their living room--and an army of dark hooded figures from in front.  They suddenly rushed at each other, but before they meet in the middle, the memory was gone.

It left me confused and empty inside...even though I had never seen that memory in my life.  


It must have been an implanted memory. 

But why?

Why did I have that memory buried deep in my mind?

And why was the woman dragging it out of me?

The pain finally stopped, but I was too weak to do a thing.  I barely registered being tossed over a toned shoulder and the familiar feeling of light passing through my body.

Then everything went dark.

I blinked a few times, realizing I wasn't unconscious.

As my eyes adjusted, the non-existent contents of the room appeared. 

I just felt like saying that.

But yeah, the room was empty. 

I shook my head to clear it, but the odd thoughts still continued running through my head.

I wonder what cauliflower would taste like covered in mayonnaise...

I internally screamed.  I don't like cauliflower!  Or mayonnaise!

The words in my head echoed around the room, bouncing off the walls, playing with what I thought was my sanity--messing with my thoughts and mind.

I wish cows could really jump over the moon.  Wouldn't that be a sight to see.

I threw my head  down.  Surprise ringed through my body when my forehead hit the cold, hard floor.  They pain knocked me from my stupor, and my thoughts became clear.  I swallowed thickly and my hands shook as I used them to pick myself up.  I licked my lips, trying to figure out where I was, and what I was doing there.

A slight pain in my head, and the thoughts were back.

Cats love water.

Pigs can fly.

The earth is flat.

No one cares. 

Be selfish. 


Why fight for the ungrateful elves? 

And the council? 

They've defiled us our entire lives.





None of it mattered.

It was time to take down the Order of the Guardians once and for all.

A/N Hi! Don't hate me, guys. This was my idea actually, but it's a good way to lead into the plan me and Eva have for the ending ;D

I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to commenttttt!



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