Chapter 85: Keefe POV

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A/N Sorry for the incredibly short chapter, guys! I'm really busy this weekend! :)

SiSi out.

I stared at the beautiful stranger in front of me.

I felt like I knew her, at least knew of her, but the memories refused to surface.

I stared at the pain in her eyes as she slammed against the door again and again, the tears streaming down her face without her knowledge. The door refused to even rattle on its hinges, and although I didn't know her, I still wished it would give way.

Finally her legs seemed to collapse beneath her as the tears on her face consumed her in sobs. I could tell memories were rushing through her hand, and I wished they would fly through mine as well.

Suddenly her sobs grew more violent, and I knew I couldn't just stand there and watch. I needed to do something to help the poor girl. And so I sat beside her and rubbed her back. "I'm...sorry," I murmured quietly. "I wish I remembered." Then I pulled her into a strangely familiar hug. It still made me uncomfortable, since I had no knowledge of the girl I held, but for some reason it still felt right.

She gasped quietly, her sobs stopping for a minute. Then she hugged me back, her arms wrapping around my torso and her head resting on my chest.

To my surprise and uncanny delight, her sobbing faded until silence filled the cold room and all I could hear was her shaky breathing.

Eventually she pulled away, her face red from what I suspected was more than tears. I smirked at her shy expression.

"Blushing for me already, Foster?" I questioned.

"You haven't forgotten your personality, that's for sure," Foster mumbled.


Was that the girl's name?

"Wait!" she exclaimed, voicing my thoughts. "You called me Foster! You remember!"

"Your name is Foster?"

"My name's Sophie...but you always called me Foster. It's just the Keefe way." she smiled more confidently. "Do you remember anything else?"

"I definitely remember your strong emotions, Mysterious Miss F," I replied, grinning at her flushing cheeks.

"You're remembering!" she exclaimed, happy tears beginning to fall from her face.

"I-I guess I am!" I exclaimed in reply, suddenly feeling incredibly happy.

The smile that lit up Foster's face felt like the world. My stomach flipped, and I remembered how I felt about her before.

"I think I know how to make you remember everything!" Foster exclaimed, coming closer to me.

"How?" I asked.

She smiled. "Like this." She leaned forward and kissed me--on the lips.

My eyes widened in surprise, and I felt the world tipping.

I saw her face falling away from mine and her far away shouting as her face turned panic stricken.

My face suddenly felt foggy and it felt like someone was wiping something away.

My memories.

I couldn't lose them.

I had just remembered.

I fought against the steaming cold. It felt like sharp knives jutting into my brain.

All the while, the girl I couldn't remember anymore faded from my sight and mind.

And the pain and darkness took control.

A/N A Sokeefe chapter was requested by @Idareyoutofollowme. I hope your satisfied with the results 😏

Why do I feel like laughing at the torture I have brought upon the readers? WHY DO CLIFFHANGERS FEEL SO GOOD?

Sorry guys!



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