Chapter 18: Tam POV

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A/N I know this song is KOTLC themed, but I thought the song was really nice for this chapter. Thanks!

SiSi out.

Sophie came out of the bathroom drying her hair.  I was still laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.  

Linh walked into the room and jumped. "I thought you guys were having a sleepover at the Vacker's," she said.

"It's a long story," Sophie replied. "One I'm not in the mood to talk about." She plopped down on the bed beside me.

"The worst thing that happened, though, was that Sophie and Ritz got back together," I put in.

"Tam!" Sophie exclaimed, shooting into a sitting position.

"Sorry, that's not fair to those crackers," I replied. "I saw people eating them on instagram and it made me crave them. And I don't want to think about Wonderboy every time I'm hungry."

"Back the T-rex up," Linh interrupted. "Sophie and R--Fitz, what?" She made a weird face and then said, "Come on, Tam. Now your making me hungry too! I can't stop thinking about crackers..."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "I don't know what the big deal is about. Why was Biana so freaked out? And...Keefe."

I could tell she was replaying the scene where Keefe had yelled at her over and over in her head.

That was downside of a photographic memory.  My sister would never forget that heart-breaking moment.

"Sometimes I just can't believe how oblivious you are," I snapped suddenly.  I couldn't' believe the anger in my tone. "Even Linh's not as naive as you."

"I'm not naive!" Sophie shot back.

"You're so oblivious and blind that you can't realize that you are!" I yelled. "And what you're missing right in front of you," I said a little quieter.  With that, I stood up and walked into the closet-room I shared with my sister.  

I sat down on my bed and started hearing muffled conversation just outside.  I wasn't in the mood to eavesdrop, so I just laid back and continued my ceiling staring.

Sophie POV

"What is with everybody?" I asked Linh. "I got back together with Fitz, and it's like the end of the world!"

"For some people, it is," she replied quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"It's not my place to say. It's something you will either figure out on your own, or Keefe will will tell you."


What could he tell me that would help me understand why everyone was so upset?

"This is all just so...complicated," I finally said. "Does no one like Fitz anymore?"

"No! We just don't like Fitz for you," Lihn replied.

"What's the difference?"

"There is a big difference," Jolie said from the door.

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