Chapter 51: Sienna POV

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A/N G'day mates! I just learned that 'Yeet' in Australian slang doesn't mean 'to throw' (or whatever it is), but it means 'yes'! Actually, a very strong yes. 

In chapter 30, I had you guys say 'raise up lights'. Now, I want you to say, 'Beer can' with a British accent.

You just said, 'Bacon' with a Jamaican accent.

Now, on to the story!

SiSi out.

"What in the world happened to me?" Sophie questioned when we woke up the next morning.  After a good night's sleep, she was seriously registering what had happened to her. "Why was I trying to hurt Olivia?"

 I looked over at Emma, and she nodded.

"Do you know how Keefe got to the Forbidden Cities?" I asked. "When he first met Emma?"

"We couldn't figure out how he got a blue crystal," Sophie answered. "We were thinking his mom might have slipped it to him, but we have no idea how. Plus, we thought she was defeated."

"The Neverseen was defeated," I corrected. "Lady Gisela was never captured."

"She...wasn't?" Sophie questioned.

"Most of the Neverseen was captured," Emma continued. "But Lady Gisela disappeared."

"You think Lady Gisela is behind what happened to me?" Sophie asked.

I nodded. "We've seen it before. of our old friends," I said quietly.

"What happened?" Sophie pushed.

I looked down, and Emma continued, "Once it's in your system, it's incredibly hard to get out."

"Once what is in your system?" Sophie questioned.

"A pill that Lady Gisela created," Emma answered. "Depending on the chemicals used, it can control you to do different things. Like attack someone."

"But why just Olivia?" Sophie asked.

"I don't know," Emma replied.

"But I do," I said quietly. "It's just what I thought. Olivia is Dryadalis qui potens."

"What's that?" Sophie questioned. 

"It means A powerful elf," Emma answered. "It's incredibly rare."

"Aren't you guys...that?" Sophie pointed out.

I shook my head. "We're not sure what we are, but we're not Dryadalis qui potens."

"So, why would Lady Gisela make a pill to destroy...Dry--"

"Dryadalis qui potens," Emma finished. "You can just say, 'A powerful elf'."

Sophie nodded. "Why would she want to destroy them, if she could control them with a pop of a pill?" she questioned. "And how did she get it to me? Or...into my food? Wait--and how did she get it to Fitz at the same time?"

"It happened to Fitz too?" Emma inquired.

"Oh, no," I breathed. "You don't think she's found more people already--"

"And formed a new group?" Emma finished.

"Wait a second," Sophie interrupted. "Does, Remember Refugees, mean anything?"

"How do you know that term?" Emma asked her.

"I don't was like I read it from someone's mind," Sophie replied. 

"Could you tell whose mind it was?" Emma interrogated.

"No..." Sophie began. "But I know it was the person controlling me."

"Remember Refugees," I murmured. "I don't believe it."

"What? What is remember refugees?" Sophie questioned.

"Have you learned about the Order of the Guardians in your Elvin history?" I asked.

Sophie shook her head.

"Of course they don't talk about it. Just like Atlantis," Emma mumbled. "The councilors lead the elves to believe the Lost Cities is some kind of Utopia."

"But it isn't anymore," Sophie pointed out. "They couldn't hide the Neverseen from us."

"But it never was," Emma replied. "The Neverseen and the Black Swan weren't the first secret 'good versus evil' organizations in the Lost Cities."

"The Order of the Guardians were like the Black Swan," I began. "Fighting against the enemy the councilors didn't believe existed. They were secret guardians of the elves. But the councilors thought they were the enemy.

"The Order of the Guardians fought to bring down the Remember Refugees, while the council fought to bring down the Order of the Guardians.

"Despite having everyone against them, the Guardians--as the members of the group were called--managed to bring down the Remember Refugees. Then they disappeared, the need for guardians no longer necessary."

"So why was the elf controlling me thinking about them?" Sophie questioned.

"You said the same thing happened to Fitz, correct?" I asked.

Sophie nodded.

"Then I think Lady Gisela has managed to put the Remember Refugees back together," I replied.

A/N Dun dun dun!! 

I really hope you enjoyed the chapter!



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