Chapter 54: Sienna POV

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A/N I'm back! Did you miss me? Probably not, lol. I've been busy so Emma's been posting.

Absolutely love the song above! ↑

SiSi out.

"What is it, Si--" Emma was cut off when she caught sight of the green-eyed brunettes in front of them. 

All of us froze and just stared as though we had seen ghosts. 

"Sienna? Emma?" one of the women called quietly.


It couldn't be.

Tears fell from the two women's faces and their expressions caused memories to flash through my head.

"Come on!" one of our sisters cried. "They're ganging upon us."

Emma and I  stared at our older sister with pleading eyes.

We were less than a year old and were already begging for sweet treats.

"Alright, only one," my older sister consented.  She handed us each a cookie, and we giggled happily at our success.

The memory flew away before I could enjoy the cookie.

I opened my eyes, but only for a second before I was consumed by another memory.

Emma and I clung to each other as we struggled to make our first steps.

Nothing was ever a competition with us.

We helped each other through everything.

But...we weren't perfect.

I wailed when Emma took away the lollipop I was sucking on.  She grinned at me and then I grinned back, slapping her right across the top of her head.

Both memories flew away, being replaced with a new one.

Everything was even taller than the other memories.  I assumed I was crawling instead of walking.

I crawled toward the kitchen and latched myself onto our golden retriever.  He was near the kitchen counter, so I climbed on top of him--right onto its back and reached my small hands forward.  

I pulled myself onto the marble counter and crawled right toward a bowl of orange orbs.  I grabbed and sank my front teeth into the top.  

My face scrunched up in distaste, just as strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me away from abomination to my tastebuds.  

I didn't get a chance to see the owner of the loving arms.

More happy memories flashed through my head making me feel farther away from reality.  

I barely registered the arms wrapping around me, trying to soothe me.  

I heard screams further away and thought it could only be Emma, going through the same thing with her memories.

Then the pain of a new memory brought me to my knees.

I could feel my love for my two sisters much stronger then it did now.  I knew then how important they were to me.  I knew how important I was to them.

Because our parents had abandoned us.

And we only had each other.

One of my sister's eyes dulled at something the other girl said.  

I carefully stepped forward to hear more.

Even though I was too young to understand what they said, I somehow knew it was important.

"What do we do?" one of them asked. "We can't just leave them here."

Her sister put an arm around her as she began to sob quietly.  The comforting gesture allowed her to stop shaking, but it didn't stop the tears from falling.

"You know we can't take them where we are going," she said. "It's just too dangerous."

The crying girl covered her face with her hands and the other girl pulled her closer. "But how do we know someone will find them?" 

My sister's glazed eyes sent a shiver down my young self.  

Their expressions...

Their cracking voices...

Their shaking shoulders...

It was all enough for me to begin to cry.

But my tears weren't silent like my sisters.  They were loud, like a young child crying for a mother.  

My sisters immediately turned to me and rushed forward. 

"You're supposed to be in bed, Cinnabon," one of my sisters said, picking me up in her warm arms.  

I let my head rest on her shoulder and immediately felt my eyes growing heavy.  But my worry for my siblings kept me wide awake as they led me back to bed.

The house we lived in then was small and cozy and always smelled of something delicious.  We had had Indian for dinner, I could tell, since all my nose could smell was spices. 

"Now, now, Siennasaurus Rex, it's time for you to go to bed," my other sister said, kissing me on the forehead.  

I giggled at the nickname even though I didn't know what it meant.

My sister holding me laid me down next to Emma.

We couldn't sleep without each other, not since the day we were born.

It was a part of our bond as sisters.

Emma put an arm around me in her sleep.

Even then she was protecting me.

Even then she was there for me.

Even when our sisters left us behind.

A/N  I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to comment!



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