Chapter 71: Sophie POV

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A/N SiSi here! Last chapter before our one week break 😉

I love the song above. It was written for what is going on right now, but it goes well with this story as well! :DDD

SiSi out.

"Who are you?" I asked the girl before us.  

She was wearing loose pants that were gathered at the bottom into dark boots.  A piece of cloth was tied at her waist and a sword's scabbard hung from it.  She wore a short jacket over her dark, tucked-in shirt and thick, fingerless gloves on her hands.

But her attire wasn't what my eyes immediately went to.

It was her blond hair and ice-blue eyes.

The same shade as Keefe's hair and eyes.

The girl put her hands on her hips and smirked.

My eyes widened.

I knew that smirk anywhere.

"Surprised?" the girl questioned with a raised eyebrow. 

She sounded just like Lady Gisela.

I shuddered at the thought.

"Who are you?" I repeated, trying to keep my voice from shaking. 

The girl laughed at my attempt. "I think you already realize who I am," she replied.

I looked around and could faintly see Keefe far in the distance.  He wasn't helping in the battle, instead, he was on the ground, staring at nothing.

Did he know?

I looked back at the girl. "Are you Keefe?" I inquired quietly. 

"Correct!" the girl exclaimed.  Her smile grew, and she clapped slowly as she came closer. "I'm his sister. Twin sister."

My friends and I gasped.

"My mom erased our memories of each other and separated us," she continued. "But she did it for our good. She's doing all of this for our good. You just don't understand it yet. My mother isn't the enemy here. The Order of the Guardians are--"

"No, they're not!" Sienna interrupted. "You're just like Lady Gisela! You lie and cheat and talk your way into our heads so you can accomplish your goal! BUT WE WON'T LET YOU!" She rushed forward with the sword she held and it clashed against Keefe's sister's.  

Keefe's sister's reflexes were so fast, I hadn't even seen her pull it out of her scabbard. 

I lifted my melder, but in a flash, the girl kicked it out of my grasp.  I grabbed my hand in pain and felt tears begin to burn my eyes.  She was about to kick me in the gut, when Sienna came behind Keefe's sister and kicked her between her shoulder blades.  I moved away as Keefe's sister stumbled forward.  She caught herself before she fell and I could feel the heat of her anger as she whipped around with her sword raised.  Sienna ducked before it cut off her head and extended her leg, tripping Keefe's sister.  Her sword landed next to her.  She grabbed it and rolled backwards and onto her feet.

Her eyes flashed with anger an impatience, despite her mother being the master of hiding feelings and emotions.  She twisted her sword in her hand and scowled at Sienna.

I began to feel the familiar knot of emotions in my stomach and knew I was gathering it, waiting until it was at full force...

I bit my lip as my anger and frustration grew stronger.

Keefe's sister yelled and charged forward with her sword.  Sienna's sword clashed with her's.

The playing field was level, the sword tips centered between the two girls.  Sienna released the tension and slid underneath Keefe's sister.  She stood up behind her but was immediately met with Keefe's sister's sword again.  Every movement Lady Gisela's daughter made was quick and agile.

I knew Sienna didn't have a chance.

I grabbed as much emotion as I could before I finally let it all out.

Pink and purple light flashed from my forehead like lightning, only to hit a similar dark red light.

I gasped at the pain of my inflicting against hers.

It was a powerful battle I wasn't sure I could win.

Her evil emotions of anger, hate, and impatience seemed to be built over the years.

Like she had hid all her emotions away.

I felt them like waves, mixing with my emotions.

Confusing her reality with mine.

It was too much; my breathing grew heavy and my vision turned blurry.

Her emotions clouded my brain and everything went dark.

A/N See ya'll in a week! :D

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