Chapter 8: Sophie POV

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Tam and Keefe together: Nope

SiSi out.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I didn't hear anything," Biana replied innocently. "So, what were you going to say?"

I ignored her, rising from her vanity chair and rushing out of the room.  Fitz's room opened at the end of the hall and the boys emerged.  

We went down the stairs and out the front door.

Tam was standing in front of Everglen, arms crossed. 

"Tam?" I questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here--" Tam began. "Well, I was going to sleep over, but since he's here..." He pointed to Keefe. "I think I'll take my chances at the technopath's house. The triplets are better than him."

"Oh come on, Tam," I said. "You need to get over your childish antics."

"He's just jealous of my hair," Keefe replied.  

I rolled my eyes.

Tam flipped his bangs out of his eyes. "Oh, yeah? Well you--"

"Is anyone going to point out what Sophie's wearing?" Keefe asked. "Seriously. What bet did you lose?"

I could see Biana smirk out of the corner of my eye.  She had followed be down the stairs and outside.

"No bet. Just Biana being Biana," I replied.

"You look beau--" Keefe began.

"You know what? I'll stay," Tam interrupted. "Are you staying here tonight too, Sophie?"

"You totally should!" Biana exclaimed. "Don't worry about clothes. You can borrow some of mine!"

"Let me ask Edaline real quick," I replied.  

I hailed Edaline and she agreed.

"All good!" I called to my friends. "Or, almost all good. We still have to get through the night with you two." I gestured at Keefe and my brother. "But just in case they decide to start a prank war," I whispered to Biana. You should lock your door tonight."

She smirked at me. "Or maybe they should lock their doors tonight," she replied.  Then she grabbed my arm and led me inside.

At Dusk

"Here, hold this," Biana ordered, handing me a glass bottle filled with a thick green liquid.

"What is this?" I asked, gagging from the smell.

"Never mind what it is," Biana replied. "Mind what it does. I want you to slip this into a batch of mallowmelt."


" me. Or are you chicken?"

I scowled and shook my head.  

At Dark

I rushed downstairs and peeked around the corner to the kitchen.  Della was whipping up a batch of mallowmelt.


"MOM! I NEED YOU!" Biana yelled from upstairs.

Della turned. "I'll be right there!" she called.

I flattened myself against the wall as she rushed up the stairs.

I slipped into the kitchen just as I heard someone coming down the stairs.

Della already.

I hid behind a large chest in the next room, keeping the lid slightly open.

Keefe entered the kitchen, looking around, as if making sure no one could see him.  Finally, he seemed satisfied.  He brought out a glass bottled filled with a liquid that looked just like the one Biana gave me.

He put a drop into Della's mallow melt, then shook his head and dumped the whole thing in.  He looked around one more time before slipping away.

Once the coast was clear, I rushed up the stairs, only running into Alden.

"Hello Sophie," he said.

"Hi Alden," I replied, then quickly rushed past him. 

When I got to Biana's bedroom, Della was gone.

"Did you do it?" Biana hissed.

"I was, but Keefe got there first and put something similar to what you gave me into the mallowmelt," I replied.

Biana smirked. "Of course. He's always the one to begin the war."


"The prank war," Biana answered. "And you're very lucky you're on my team."

A/N SiSiLoves2read here. Sorry for the cliff hanger! 

Do you have any good pranks you love pulling on people? Let us know in the comments! Thanks for reading!



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