Chapter 61: Sienna POV

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A/N Hello guys! SiSi here. So, I don't want to ask you guys for anything, but I'm doing a weekly prompt and I would love if you guys would check it out! You don't have to of course, but it would mean a lot. Thanks!

SiSi out.

I groaned as I felt the darkness of unconsciousness fade away.  

Every bone in my body ached--like I had been hit by a truck.

Or a certain crazy Lady.

I refused to open my eyes to the blinding light piercing through my eyelids.

Where was I?

It was certainly still nighttime, so why was it so bright?

"I see you are awake," a voice said.

Then the bright light seemed to disappear, and I ventured one eye open.

A man's face was blocking the blinding light as he stood over me, inspecting me carefully.

"Where am I?" I questioned, my voice sounding raspy.

"You are safe," the man replied.

If I wasn't in so much pain, I might have rolled my eyes.

I tried to sit up on my elbows, but I didn't have the energy or strength. 

"Where are Bridget and Audrey?" I asked after I had swallowed a few times to clear my dry throat. "Are they okay?" My eyes shot open as the memory of them both lying on the ground--so lifeless...

But then I remembered their heavy breathing as their chests rose and fell.

It gave me slight comfort, but I had seen Audrey when Lady Gisela had thrown her.

I swallowed hard, but the lump in my throat stoped me.  I choked and started to cough.  

The man grabbed a glass of water and held it to my lips. "Don't talk yet, child. The two woman that the girl brought in with you are fine. One has a broken arm and the other has a few deep cuts, but they are doing much better now."

I closed my eyes and breathed out in relief.

They might have abandoned us before we could talk understandably...but they were still our older sisters.

And they loved us.

So there had to be a reason they had left us behind.

All alone.

With no sure way someone was going to find us.

And no way to take care of ourselves--

I shook my head to clear it.

There had to be an important reason.

A very important reason.

"Now, child," the man continued. "Just rest."

I closed my eyes and all the pain fell away.


Bridget's POV


I could feel the uncomfortable cot underneath me.  

Someone must have taken us to the hospital.  

I ignored the pain I was feeling everywhere as my thoughts immediately went to Emma and Sienna.

Emma had tackled Lady Gisela, and then been thrown off.

Audrey had caught her before she hit her head.

Then I had rushed in before Sienna did anything dumb.

Just like she did as a baby.  She was always climbing on anything her little hands could touch.

It was lucky she never got seriously hurt.

The pain on my face reminded me of all the cuts I had gotten from Lady Gisela's sharp nails.

I had thought I had caught her.

I had thought it was over.

But then she pushed me back and flipped over me.

I mentally hit myself for not being firm in my grounding or leaning forward so she couldn't push me back.

Then I remembered how Audrey had rushed in with a punch.

And then how she had been thrown  and landed on her arm--

My eyes shot open at the memory, and I looked around, desperately trying to find my twin.

I sighed out in relief when my eyes caught Audrey lying peacefully in a cot near me.  Her arm was in a cast and her legs were bandaged, but her breathing was steady, and she had a slight smile on her face.

The face reminded me of the younger one.  

Sienna had tripped Lady Gisela--something she probably learned from me.  I smiled at the thought.

And then jumped onto Lady Gisela's back, pinning her down.

Our younger sisters were smarter than I thought.

Sure, they were a little rash sometimes, jumping on insane people's backs when they had weapons at the end of their fingertips--


But they still were our younger sisters.



A/N Hey guys! Don't worry, me and Emma talked about this chapter! They are actually at the hospital and not getting the rest of the order. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to comment!



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