Chapter 67: Sophie's POV

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Awesome song! Really matches this chapter huh?

I was panicking.

Emma was fading away.

Mr. Forkle? I called out inside my mind.

Ms. Foster?  he questioned back.

Mr. Forkle! I cried in my head. Help! Emma is fading away!

Alright...I'm coming right over.

Okay...and bring Elwin with you, please!

But Ms. Foster, Elwin does not know about the Long twins.  It's top secret and confedential.

I DON'T CARE! Just bring him or Livvy. Please!

I was desperate now.

We couldn't let Emma fade away.

It had already been seven months or something since we started staying with her and Sienna.

She was powerful.

Even more than the Council.

We needed her. 

Well...another reason we couldn't let her fade is because Sienna would kill us.

And yes, I mean literally.

"Tam!" I called to my brother, ending the mental conversation with Mr. Forkle. "I'm enetering her mind!"

He was doing some shadow things that I didn't understand, and it looked like it was taking all his strength. 

He was sweating a lot, but he still heard me and nodded.

I nodded back and took a deep breath.

"Biana, I'm entering her mind," I told Biana, almost forgetting about her.

No response.

I looked around.

She wasn't here.

"Biana?" I cried.

Tam looked over.

"Biana? Where is--? BIANA!!! WHERE IS SHE???" he shouted, still doing the shaodow thing.

"I don't know!" I replied. "She's probably getting or weapons or something..or--KEEFE!"

"Oh, yeah...that guy...we forgot about him didn't we? Biana probably remembered before us," Tam laughed.

I smiled, but I still felt like something was off.

Biana was not the type to take so long.

But I was probably wrong.

I shrugged it off.

But then I had an idea.

What if I reach out to her telepathically?




Sophie? Biana answered.

Biana! Are you ok?

No! Keefe's mom is here. Keefe is terrified! Please! He needs you! Come quickly!

And that was all I needed to convince me to leap to Everglen.

I ran down the hills and looked around.

But then I saw silhouettes on another hill.

"Keefe...." I whispered.

I ran up the hill.

And saw Olivia.

She was looking confused but that wasn't what I was focusing on.

I wished I was.

Everything would have been so much easier if I focused on that--




But, no!

I had to care about Keefe so much!

I just had to focus on him and his evil mother at that moment.

At his terrified face.

Tears rolled down my cheeks just looking at how scared he was.

"SURRENDER!" I suddenly heard from the trees.

Everyone was confused.

 I was trying to figure it out when Sandor jumped from the trees and tackled Lady Gisela.

But she just laughed and dodged him.

She whipped out a dagger and held it to Keefe's neck.

"I don't think so," she said, grinning evilly.

"NO!" I yelled, stepping out from my hiding place in the shadows.

I couldn't hide when Keefe was in danger.

By his own mom.

Her grin grew wider.

"Sophie!! Run...!" Keefe choked out.

Before I could reply, we heard a yell from the woods again.


Hmm...that voice sounded familiar...though I couldn't quite place who's voice it was...

Then Ro stepped out from the trees, and a smile filled my face. "RO!" I yelled, happy to see her.

She nodded back at me and smiled.

But then it got serious again.

Ro and I got into fighting stance  and brought out our weapons.

Ro sent a dagger whooshing towards Lady Gisela's head.

But she was quicker and ducked down before it hit her.

Ro looked at me and passed a secret message through her eyes.

Attack her from behind. I'll distract her.

I nodded slighty so that Lady Gisela didn't see.

I inched back into the darkness and creeped against the edges.

All that fighting the Neverseen and training everyday made me a professional.

We all trained everyday because if the Neverseen or some other evil group got together again, we would be prepared.

And it was good that we thought about that.

Because now we need it more than ever.

But that's when I noticed another hooded figure.

Following me.

I know this chapter sucks but I'm actually in school because I'm busy later and at night, I'll be drowsy and when I'm drowsy or tired,I act like I'm drunk. Don't judge.😂I pulled an all-nighter last night sooo yeha... also, YAY! RO IS BACK!! AND WITH GIGAN---I MEAN SANDOR!! LOL. You guys should check my reading list! It had some great stories! Please go check them out! If u can or if u want to that is! LOL anyway baiiii!! 💖💖💖💖💖✨


Siblings-Sokeefe StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora