Chapter 23: Biana POV

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I am ditching class for u guys so u better say thx! LOL JK!! But I am ditching class...

I stormed upstairs to my room after talking to Fitz.

I felt really bad for Keefe.

I decided to call it a day and get the beauty rest I deserved.

Mom and Dad were away on something with Grady and Edaline, so they couldn't tuck me in.

Actually, I think Grady and Edaline were leaving tomorrow.

Or later tonight...

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my stuffed animal. (Anyone know what it's called?)

I climbed into bed and pulled up my covers.

I yawned.  Boy, I was tired.

Really tired.

Why was I so tired??

I checked the time on my phone and gasped.


Well, I guess I should make the most of my remaining sleep time.

I clicked my phone off.

I didn't have to plug it in, because thanks to Dex, our phones didn't need to charge.

I fell asleep thinking about Tam.


I woke up at 6:30 AM and got ready.

I saw Fitz downstairs making what looked like--



"Morning Rit-I mean Fitz," I said.

"Morning B," Fitz replied.

My phone started ringing a few minutes later.

I picked it up to see who it was, and I saw that it was Sophie calling with facetime.

I quickly hit accept and saw them eating breakfast.

"Hi, Sophie!" I greeted her.

"Hey B!" she replied after swallowing some orange soup.

I was jealous of their breakfast.


"Breakfast is ready!" Fitz called.

"Coming!" I called back. 

Finally!  Took long enough.

I ran to the dining room and set my phone up so they could still see us.

I grabbed my breakfast and Fitz and I plopped into our seats.

"Sooo Bianaaaaaa," Sophie said in a sing-song voice.

Uh, oh.

This will not going to end well.

"You're dating my brother--mm!"

I looked up to see that Tam was clamping his hand over her mouth.

"Shut up, Sophie! Okay? Nothing happened! Everyone forget about that!" Tam stuttered.

I giggled.

My phone beeped to announce another incoming call.

It was Mom.  I quickly added her to our call.

"B! Sophie! Anyone! Have you seen Keefe?" my mom asked frantically.

"No," we all replied.

"Why?" I asked.

She gulped.

"We think he drowned," my mom replied.

A/N: Don't worry......anyway! I just wanted to say...I pranked my friend...It was hilarious! So I called him from another number and started speaking in a British accent and he fell for it! He literally said "HeY LaDy..I don't KnOW WhO yOu ArE buT YoU aRe CreEpy and You HaVe GoT The WrOnG NuMber" BTW: Sorry for the cliffhanger...

LOL!! How was your day?

P.S: It's only 1 PM!!! YAY!!


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