Chapter 26: Biana POV

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A/N Don't forget to click the arrow to turn the page!!

SiSi out.

We got set up in Havenfeild's living room to watch a movie.  Sophie went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.  She had said that it was popped kernels.

Who would want to eat something like that?

But when she came back with a bowl filled with amazing-smelling white fluff, I changed my mind.  

"This must be magic," I said. "How do you turn kernels into...this?" I grabbed a piece from the top and popped it into my mouth.  

It was warm and buttery and delicious

"Mmm," I mumbled.

"The kernels pop over heat," Sophie replied with a laugh.

"Sounds like magic to me," Fitz commented, grabbing a piece of popcorn and trying it. "Definitely magic. Did I ever tell you how amazing you are, Sophie?"

Sophie blushed, and I vomited inside my mouth.

I cleared my throat, ending their eye staring. "What are we watching?" I asked.

"Since we've all watched and read the Harry Potter series millions of times..." Sophie began.

Tam smirked.

"I've decided to show you a new series!" she finished.

"Oh, no," I groaned. "Is this series going to make Fitz stay up late at night with his lights on?"

Fitz flushed a deep red.

Sophie just smiled.

"Please, Sophie," I begged. "He wouldn't stop showing me Harry Potter memes on his phone."

A/N Please don't hate me, but I can't talk about this series very much, because I haven't read it. But according to KoTLCPotter9, Sophie and her friends enjoyed the series, so I'll have to go based on that!

SiSi out.

"Biana, you laughed at all of them," Fitz pointed out. "But I'm not that obsessed--"

"You have a folder on your phone labeled: Harry Potter Memes," I replied. "You look at it whenever you feel depressed. I see you."

"Keefe loved that series," Sophie said suddenly. "He read it more than all of us." 

Then everyone grew serious and very interested in their feet.  

"Guys, we don't know if he's actually dead yet," Tam said, breaking the silence. "Della said they couldn't be certain yet."

I gave him a thankful smile, but Sophie didn't seem encouraged.  I put an arm around her.

"We'll find him," I assured her. "You know Keefe. He doesn't give up that easily. He would struggle to survive until the end, just to prove the Neverseen wrong."

"But he also doesn't yell at people," Sophie replied. "And he did it a few days ago."

I lowered my head at the reminder.  Sophie looked a little ashamed to have brought it up.

"Come on, Sophie," I urged. "He wouldn't have wanted us to sulk around about him. He would want us to joke around, have fun, maybe even pull a few pranks!"

Sophie slowly rose her head. "You're right," she replied.

"So, what was this series you were talking about?" Linh asked.

"It's called The Chronicles of Narnia," Sophie answered. "I own the whole series, so we can have a book marathon!"

"Hey!" Tam exclaimed. "I thought we were going to watch a movie!" 

"You can watch the movie after the books," Sophie replied. "Trust me, you won't regret it."

A/N I know Sophie didn't bring any books with her from the humans, but let's just pretend she did! For the sake of the story.

SiSi out...again.

Sophie went upstairs and returned a few minutes later with a stack of books.

"I only have one copy of each book, so we can just take turns reading out loud to each other," she said. "Some people skip the first book or read it out of order: The Magician's Nephew, but I don't, because it's like the base of the story. It describes how Narnia came to be." She took a deep breath. "I'll start reading first."

**Two books later**

"Wait a second," Tam began. "So these four kids went through a wardrobe and into this other world, then the people just made them their kings and queens?"

"They had to defeat the White Witch first," Sophie replied. "And...yes. But it was said that two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve would put an end to the White Witch's reign. With the help of Aslan of course."

"The Horse and His Boy?" I questioned, reading the next book on the pile. "Can we skip it and read Prince Caspian? He sounds much more interesting than a horse. And his boy. How can a horse have a boy?"

"No, Biana," Sophie replied with a laugh. "We can't just skip a book."

"Well then read quickly!" I exclaimed with a smile.  

One that Sophie returned.

I was so happy she was out of her sulky mood.  Her expression had been depressing, and Keefe wouldn't have wanted that.

He had backed away from her, so she could be happy.

That's all Keefe wanted.

For Sophie to be happy.

A/N Hi! SiSiLoves2read here! If you haven't read the series: The Chronicles of Narnia, you should go check it out! They also have movies based on some of the books, and they are AWESOME. Their music is so cool too! I'm learning a Narnia Medley on the piano. If you don't know what a medley is (because I didn't before I started learning it), it's just a mashup of melodies! Here's my favorite song from Narnia:

Isn't this dude amazing??




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