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B E N N Y's pov

THE BRIGHT SCREEN, held nothing that interested me. And lazily, I scrolled through the different channels the tv had too offer.

The house was quiet and empty, other than me and the tv noises. Though, that silence was broken when the sound of knocking on the front door appeared suddenly.

With a sigh, I pushed myself off from the couch and walked over. Though when opening the front door I was faced with a certain face I wasn't exactly the happiest to see.

My head fell back with a sigh, "Oh my god- what do you want?"

Ava, who stood in front of me too sighed, "Too talk Benny. Listen-

"Mhm, well sorry but I don't" I cut her off, my head shaking as I went to close the door.

When seeing I was near closing the door she huffed, pushing past me and into the house. With a scoff I questioned, "What the hell- what are you doing?"

Now standing in the middle of the living room she turned around, her hands resting onto her hips. "Benny. Come on, you cannot tell me you and I didn't have something"

My brows knit in confusion, "Huh? You know you can't keep showing up at my house and just barge in here"

"Yeah Benny, when you and that Thalia were on a little 'break'. You know it's true" She huffed, ignoring my statement.

I scoffed, my head shaking, "What the hell are you talking about? No we did not"

Now her head tilted, "Really? So what were all those times you and I spent together then?"

"Uh.. friends hanging out with other friends?" I replied as if it was obvious.

Her head shook and she huffed, "God- why do you even like her anyways?"

My eyes rolled, "Because.. I love her?"

Visibly, she grew frustrated with my statement, now taking a few steps forward. "But why? You know you can leave her right? I mean who wants to have a kid at this age Benny?"

My fingertips lightly rubbed my eyes, "Ok, this is stupid can you go already?"

"You don't want a kid right now Benny. Don't you want to be able to live out the rest of your teenage years. Now you can't- why? Because of her" She took a few more steps forward with a grumble.

Once seeing she stood in front of me my eyes rolled, taking a step back. "Seriously. Would you leave already—

"Come on Benny. You mean you didn't like me at all?" She huffed, following and taking a step forward.

My head shook at her statement, "Exactly. I don't. And I'm not kidding, would you please leave—

I was cut off when she snatched onto the sides of my face, roughly placing her lips onto mine. From the push sent me stumbling back, though when about to push her off a sharp gasp broke.

Once regaining my balance I quickly took ahold of her shoulders, pushing her away. And once opening my eyes I looked over towards where the gasp broke from.

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