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T H A L I A 's pov

MY GAZE HELD on the sand dirt mixture I walked upon. And when passing the chain link fence, with a sigh I lifted my head up.

I approached the group that all sat around the dugout. Though my pace slowed when instantly noticing a missing person. "Hey.. where's Benny?"

The boys sighed. With a shake of his head Ham spoke. "That's the thing"

"Yeah yeah, he's not here?" Yeah-Yeah added with a huff.

My eyebrows instantly pulled together. "Not here?"

I looked towards Scotty who slowly nodded. "Yeah.. he's not here?" He confirmed with a sigh.

I frowned. "What? How's he's not here. It's Benny?"

"That's what I'm saying! We've been waiting for like two hours" Squints exclaimed and nodded.

Suddenly the sound of dirt scuffing made me turn around to see a breathless, tired looking Bertram and Kenny who both ran over.

Once standing in front of us they leaned against each other, breathing heavily.

"Guys. You know Benny's not here?" I questioned, my hands resting onto my hips.

Kenny tiredly nodded while Bertram attempted to speak, he breathed. "Yeah.. that's what we're.."

But, due to his tired state he gave up with a huff. I glanced between the two, now frowning. "What?"

They both glanced to each other. "Well.. yesterday.." Kenny breathed out.

He paused, leaving me to knit my eyebrows together. "Yesterday.. what?"

Bertram now attempted to speak. "Yesterday.. when you guys left.."

He trailed off to catch his breathe, "Fuck!"
Devora now grumbled and stepped forward. "Man, what! Speak to us!"

Kenny took a moment, catching his breathe before clearing his throat. "Ok, ok. Yesterday while you guys were gone.. Benny he uh, kind of.. got a little drunk with some guys?"

My eyebrows instantly rose. "Drunk?"

They nodded, and Bertram scratched his head. "Yeah.. he didn't come with us when we left either"

Though my heart quickened at the thought of him doing that stuff, I attempted to remain calm and nodded. "Oh.. ok well. You guys know where he is now?"

Kenny slowly nodded. "Probably still there. We checked his house just to see if he was alright since he didn't follow when we left. He's not there"

Again I nodded and took in a deep breathe. "Alright. Well, let's go yeah?"

They nodded and I turned towards the group. "Ok.. you guys go home. I'm sure there's not going to be any game today"

They nodded and sent me small waves with smiles. "Bye, Lia"

I returned the gesture, my eyes following them as they walked off. Once they were gone I turned back to the three remaining.

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