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T H A L I A's pov

THE GLOVE WRAPPED around my hand was warm inside and therefore, along with the sun pouring out I had to slip it off and wipe my hand onto the pair of jeans I wore.

My eyes remained on Devora as she was about to bat. But, instead of batting she paused and held her hand up to block the sun from her eyes.

She looked towards Kenny in confusion, causing me to follow her gaze, my eyes falling on the same unfamiliar girl from the pool.

In walked Claudia onto the field, a smile on her face while the brunette girl trailed behind. With a sigh under my breathe I lowered the glove in my hand and approached the two.

Once Claudias eyes fell on me she smiled. "Hey, Lia"

I returned the smile. "Hey Claudia, who's this?"

It seemingly clicked into her mind and she jumped, turning back and placing her hand on the girl's shoulder. "Oh right! Guys- this is Ava"

The group of boys sent her waves and small hello's. I cracked a small smile and held out my hand towards the girl. "Hi, I'm Thalia"

She was certainly pretty, and looked to be nice. She had pale skin, stormy gray eyes and brunette hair that was pulled back into a ponytail.

Ava smiled and shook my hand. "Hello, it's nice to meet you"

My eyebrows rose once taking notice of the girls voice. "Your accent? I like it"

"Oh yeah, well- I used to live in Australia. That's where I just moved from!" Ava chirped with a smile.

I slowly nodded. "Oh, that's cool. Well.. you want to play with us?"

Ava had looked towards Claudia who nodded and nudged her arm. "Yeah! Come on, it'll be fun"

Ava slowly nodded her head and cracked a smile. "Oh, alright- I mean I'm not that good, but sure!"

I shook my head and waved it off. "No, I'm sure you'd do fine. Here, you can take my glove.

She cracked a smile and took the glove from me. "Oh- thank you"

I sent her a smile and wave, walking off past her and to the dugout. Once reaching the dugout I took a seat, my legs and arms crossing over each other.

Devora appeared to be walking over and sat down next to me. "You alright? You've been kind of quiet today"

I nodded with a smile. "Oh no, I'm fine. Really, I am just kind of tired. Lola had me up like all night"

That was actually the truth, Lola had stolen Andrew's chicken wings at dinner time and for that when night hit she threw it all up.

I watched the group that was playing on the field. Ava now held the bat and walked off to the batters box, and while doing so she cracked an immediate smile once noticing Benny and sent him a wave.

Benny simply nodded his head as a hello and gave her a small wave. Ava had successfully batted and sent the ball out into the field.

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