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T H A L I A's pov

A LOUD, sharp cry is what broke me from my sleep. And though I hadn't opened my eyes, I instantly knew where it was coming from.

I cracked my eyes open, and Devora who was also asleep in the bed grumbled, slipping her pillow from under her head and throwing her face into it.

"Oh.. my god. That girl is crying, for what? For what! It's like 7 in the morning" She grumbled, and her voice was muffled from stuffing her face into the pillow.

I sighed, turning over to lay on my back as I rubbed my eyes. I had stayed the night with Devora, of course, for our 'sleepovers'. And now, Lottie could be heard crying from the other room.

Devora slowly slid the pillow off and sighed. "Welp. I'm up now. Breakfast?"

I slowly nodded and with that she stood up from the bed, and I could hear her muttering curse words under her breathe due to the still crying baby.

I followed, rubbing onto my eyes as I stood up and walked behind her. I trailed behind as she walked off into the kitchen, and when I reached the room, I slowly came to a pause.

The smell, once again, caused me to crinkle my noise. Though I tried my hardest to not show any grimace as I slowly sat down onto a chair.

Helen, Devora's mom was cooking what looked to be eggs, along with hash browns. It looked delicious of course, but my stomach couldn't help but turn.

Seemingly, Devora noticed and she questioned, "Lia.. are you ok?"

I swallowed, my gaze lowering to the table. "I.. uh, what?"

Her eyebrows pulled as she examined me. "I said are you ok? You look pale?"

I shook my head and attempted to speak, but the sick feeling in my stomach only grew, and I suddenly felt to be nauseous.

I licked my now dried lips and managed to speak, "I.. oh, hold on I'm going to just go to the bathroom"

With that I stood up from the table, my hand onto holding onto my head as I grew lightheaded while walking towards the bathroom.

Once reaching the room, a gag escaped past my lips, and I quickly lifted up the toilet seat. Though nothing happened, and I rested against the sink counter.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and Devora's voice spoke. "Lia? Are you ok?"

"Yeah.. yeah I'm fine Dev" I called back, rubbing onto my eyes.

"Are you sure.. Lia?" Her voice sounded hesitant.

Though she couldn't see me I nodded. I was not at all sure. I felt odd. I couldn't explain the feeling but I felt super uneasy.

Devora sighed when hearing silence. "I'm coming in, ok?"

With that the door opened, and I had just realized I forgot to lock the door. I was faced with Devora, who held concern and worry in her face.

"Lia.. really, like really are you ok?" She questioned and stepped forward.

I slowly shook my head. "I don't know.."

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