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T H A L I A's pov

MY GAZE HELD on the light grey and black tiled floor as I walked down the school hall. I passed a corner when abruptly bumping into a chest.

"Oh geez! What the fu—

The boy paused and gasped, his eyes lighting up. "Thalia!"

My eyes closed with a sigh. "Hi, Peter"

He quickly fixed his hair and unsurely laughed, "Hello. I wasn't really expecting to run into you.. seeing you were gone for a long time"

I slowly nodded and began to walk past him. "Yup"

"Wait.. what's wrong. Why are you so sad?" He questioned and quickly followed behind me.

"It's nothing, Peter" I replied, shaking my head at his question.

I turned another corner and sighed seeing Emily. Though she was just with only one of her little goony friends it instantly made my already gloomy mood plummet even farther down.

She instantly let out a laugh once seeing me. "Awe, you slut is this your new little boy toy?"

I glanced towards Marshal and rolled my eyes. "Would you ever stop?"

Her arms crossed while her head titled. "Hm. Not exactly. You left before I could ever be close to done"

Her eyes examined me with a smirk. "Oh geez. What is that top? You look terrible!"

I sighed, rolling my eyes as I walked past her and down the hall, hoping that either Peter or Emily wouldn't follow.

"Hey Lia! I think you need a few add ins, in your makeup bag by the way" Emily's voice called out.

My pace slowed to hear a few snickers erupt. I glanced up from the floor to see the two walking past, sending me waves while doing so.

I stood for a moment, after sighing I finally forced myself to walk forward and down the hall.

After an hour long of getting many cat stories from my English teacher. It was lunch time. A time I dreaded but still reluctantly went too.

Stepping into the cafeteria I sighed as I took a glance around the room. The room was filled with students at tables and held many chatters going on around everywhere, from everyone.

Suddenly my arm was tugged causing me to look over and see Devora. "Lia! Come, come were sitting over here"

I allowed her to pull me away and over towards a table where Claudia sat. She looked up, instantly smiling and waving. "Hi Thalia!"

I sent her a small smile and waved back. "Hey Claudia"

I took a seat, my arms folding over the table and fingers lightly tapping the surface as I glanced around. "So.. where are the boys?"

Devora held up her finger as she chewed onto her food. She took a moment to swallow before speaking. "Well, we decided to just sit with ourselves. They were getting.."

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