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T H A L I A's pov

THE ICE CREAM parlor was the first thing my mind set too when waking up.

And so, after taking a shower and putting on fresh new clothes. A black sheer button up tied in a knot at the ends, and a regular pair of navy colored jeans. I set out of the house and now was walking down the sidewalk.

After a few minutes of walking I ended up at the familiar parlor. And as soon as walking into the shop my gaze flickered towards the table where Benny and I at one point once sat at.

But I shook it off and walked off to the line waiting to order. A few moments in, my name was called.

"Thalia!" A familiar voice called out.

I turned back, holding in the urge to roll my eyes when seeing Shaun had walked into the shop.

"Hello, Shaun" I sighed

He smiled and stood behind me in the line. "Hey, Thalia"

I simply nodded and turned around, sighing under my breathe and now severely wishing this line would hurry up.

After many torturous minutes I finally had my ice cream. Cookie dough, to be exact. And now I was about to set out again when getting stopped.

"Wait, wait Thalia!" Shaun called.

I came to a stop, now since I was facing away from him I rolled my eyes before turning around. "Yeah?"

He stepped forward and sighed. "Well.. you want to hang maybe? There's not much to do today at home"

I chewed onto the inside of my cheek, putting on a smile I nodded. "Mhm.. sure"

With that I whirled around, muttering curse words under my breathe as I stepped out of the parlor, now with Shaun following behind.

Once walking along side me he asked, "So. What should we do?"

I simply shrugged and muttered, "Don't know?"

We continued to walk down the sidewalk, exchanging light conversation. Well, more like he talked and I pretended to listen.

I slipped in a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth as we turned the corner and passed a store. Instantly though I came to a pause when seeing a group.

There, behind the store was Benny, Miles, of course Adam. And the same three unknown boys.
But what made my eyes widen was the sight of three other girls, one being Ava.

My head titled slightly, in confusion as to why she would even want to be with people like them. "Ava?"

She looked over, a smile cracking at her lips "Hey Lia!"

My eyebrows rose, it was noticeable that she was drunk. But what shocked me even more was noticing the joint in one of the boys hand, causing light smoke to waft around the area.

With my nose now crinkled due to the smell I questioned, "Uh.. Ava? What are you doing?"

I wasn't the fondest of the girl, yes. But like Benny I was also concerned now that she too was suddenly jumping into this stuff.

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