Chapter 12

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Lam bit his lower lip with a face filled with worry. He looked anxiously at his watch. "Oh, this is driving me crazy," muttered Lam.

Forth looked at Lam and gestured, pointing to a single sofa in the corner of the room. "Lam, sit there and calm down. I get dizzy seeing you keep pacing."

Lam obeyed Forth's words and threw himself on the sofa. He looked at Beam who was curled up in Forth's arms. "Aren't you cramped? It's been two hours in that position."

"I've been numb since the first thirty minutes," muttered Forth. "He was really shaking and shivering."

"I don't understand how she hooked up with Stiff and looked really scared just because of the photo."

"Have you heard from Park and Max? Where are they now?"

"They're in town and stuck in traffic along the motorway. Park estimates they'll be there in twenty minutes."

"You'd better prepare to greet them and give our guests a little idea of ​​the situation later."

Lam nodded and stood up. He walked over to Beam and stroked his head gently. "You like him, don't you, Forth?"

"Uh? What do you mean?"

"You're in love with him. I know that. You've never been so gentle, caring, and worried about other people the way you did to him. Even with Rose, you weren't."

Forth looked at Lam in surprise then looked at Beam in his arms. "I ... don't know. I am not sure."

"This time, it was you who fell in love with him, not because he forced you to be with him, or because you felt sorry for his attempts to approach you in vain. You were the one who dropped your heart on him. He didn't do anything, just charmed you with his innocent manner and charming. "

"We still don't know who he is," muttered Forth. "The truth. If it is proven that he had a relationship with Stiff and Rose ..."

"We'll see. I just hope, whatever we find out, everything will be all right for you. Rose and Stiff's troubles are pretty complicated, so we'd better get one thing at a time."

Beam sighed and moved in Forth's arms. His forehead is wet. Forth rubbed Beam's forehead and got rid of his wet bangs. He rubbed Beam's thin cheek with his thumb. "Beam, wake up. There's someone who wants to see you in a moment."

Beam opened his eyes slowly and looked up at Forth. His eyes looked scared. He grabbed Forth's hand and shook his head. "He's coming, Forth. He tied me up and forced me to do it. I'm afraid ...."

"Ssh, Baby, nothing will hurt you as long as I am here with you," whispered Forth while tightening his hug. He buried Beam's head against his chest. "Who the one make you scare, Baby?"

"Ste-Stefan," said Beam slowly. "My ex boyfriend."

Forth frowned in confusion. He already knew what had happened before.

Beam becomes hysterical after seeing Stiff's photo shown by Park. Photo taken at Max and Tul's engagement last year.

Beam was terrified to see Stiff in the photo. Bob III had to tie him up and inject him with anesthetic so that he wouldn't continue to struggle. Forth couldn't stand it and chose to lock Beam in his arms and after a moment of wrestling, Beam gave up and fell asleep exhausted in Forth's arms.


Beam winced at the mention of the name. He winced as if someone was pinching him.

Forth cupped Beam's face and looked into his eyes. Forth has never seen eyes as beautiful as Beam's. Maybe it's true what's Lam had said, he has fallen in love with Beam since the first time he looked into his eyes, one month ago.

All the interactions they have had so far have made Forth completely immersed in Beam's unusual charm.

Beam never overreacted, but his smile and eyes made Forth sink in a desire he had never experienced in his life, even when he was with Rose.

"Is he your lover? How come?" Forth felt jealous and annoyed. He didn't like the fact that Stiff had Beam first, even though Beam called him by another name. "What did he do to you? Did he hurt you?"

Beam looked confused. "I thought ... was he my lover? Or not? But I remember he tied me up and said something that scared me and rejected him."

Forth put his forehead on Beam's forehead and closed his eyes. He felt frustrated and really scared.

What if Beam and Stiff do have a relationship, even in the past. Forth can't take it. However, Beam has tied his heart and mind and Forth is not sure he wants to release Beam.

"F-Forth ...," whispered Beam in a weak voice. He rubbed the tip of his nose against the tip of Forth's nose. "Don't let him take me. Please, Forth. Let me stay with you even though I remember everything. I'm afraid. I don't want to lose you. I already think of you as a place to lean on, even though at that time only through your photo on the inscription. I've even fallen in love with you. to you before meeting you in person physically. I remember you from the first moment I realized, as my lover. You must have thought me strange, but it's true. "

Forth nodded and kissed Beam's nose tip. "I know it's strange, but I believe in you. Your eyes are sincere and innocent. I am always surrounded by people who try to ingratiate themselves with me in various ways. The most dangerous are those who are nice and sweet just in front of  you. However, since childhood I have learned judge people by their eyes because at times people won't be able to hide their hearts and thoughts from their eyes. Your eyes shine like those who sincerely love me. My family and friends. "

"I-I love you," stammered Beam. "Is it possible?"

Forth didn't answer, just looked Beam's eyes deeper. He knew his heart wanted to say the same thing, but a speck of doubt made him dare not say the word. He was deeply injured after what Rose and Stiff did, and what he felt for Beam may still be affected by his heartbreak. He didn't want to rush.

There was a noise from outside the room. Beam looked away from Forth and stared fearfully at the door. He gripped Forth's arm tight.

Forth grimaced at the pain from Beam's nails buried in the skin of his arm, but let Be do it.

A man was standing in front of the room. He glanced into the room, saw Beam sitting huddled in the arms of the larger man and being protective of him. The man's tears rolled down his cheeks as he walked into the room toward the bed.

"Beammie, what happened to you?"


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