Chapter 2

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There is no one in the villa. Forth sure, Park has arranged everything well. He is adept at things related to this kind of arrangement and the technology clearly supports it.

Forth saw Bob III, a multi-functional robot being developed by his company and his four friends, when he opened the villa door.

Forth activates Bob III by pressing the red button on the back of his oval head with a small cap on it. The hat was a suggestion from Max who wanted to make Bob III look more stylish.

Bob III wheezed softly and then his eyes lit up blue. He censored Forth, recognizing him as the employer. "Good evening, Mr. Forth. How are you today?" Greeted Bob III in a Park-like voice.

Forth sighed. His friends are great, creative people with a high level of fun, especially Park and Max.

"Hi, Bob, I'm fine, but I need your help lifting something from my car," replied Forth. "Come on, come on."

Bob III trailed behind Forth on his rolling legs. Forth opened the passenger car door. "Can you take him inside?"

"He looks badly injured, sir," commented Bob III.

"Yeah. I found him by the side of the road on my way here. Take him to the guest room and please prepare first aid kits. He might be injured on the inside too."

Bob III lifted the unconscious man's body with ease. He placed the body carefully on the bed in the guest room.

Forth opened his jacket and took off his shoes and socks, went barefoot, prepared warm water in the bath tube in the bathroom and cleaned himself before going out again.

Bob III had prepared a first aid kit, warm water in a basin and clean towels on a wooden table on wheels.

"I checked it, sir, there is no deep wound, but it looks like it has many bruises and scars on its body," reported Bob III.

"I'll clean his body and treat his wounds. Can you prepare dinner for me and for him? He may not be eating normally now."

"I can prepare liquid food and give it intravenously," Bob III replied swiftly.

Forth sat next to the injured man on the bed and took off his dirty and torn clothes in several places. He don't know what happened to him until he ended up behind Forth's car.

Forth cleaned the man's slender body carefully and gasped to see the blue, red, and black bruises on several parts of his body. He also saw some bloody cuts that seemed to have started to dry up.

Forth put medicine and ointment on the injured places and put on his shorts and sleeping kimono.

Forth looked at the man's face and suddenly his heart beat faster. The man has a ... beautiful face. Forth shook his head. Not. That's not quite right. He's charming. He has the kind of good looks that can also be called beautiful at the same time.

His hair was shiny black and silky. Smooth and soft white skin, thick and long eyebrows and eyelashes, sharp nose, high cheekbones, and completely full lips like a cherry red color.

Forth touched the blue color on the man's neck. Looks like a chuckle. Who could hurt a man as handsome and gentle as this.

Bob III entered with an IV pole and two flasks filled with something orange and clear liquid. He skillfully attached the needle and hose to the boy's hand. Forth is grateful that Lam is adamant about fitting the first aid training feature into Bob III's artificial brain.

He is indeed an example robot, but it has got many additional features that are more complete and perfect than the Bob II that was created before.

"Your dinner is ready, sir. I'll wait here while you eat," said Bob III.

Forth nodded and came out of the room to the dining room. He saw some of the kinds of food Bob III was making and ate quickly. His body was tired, but the food Bob III made brought him back.

He returned to the guest room afer finished his dinner. "Bob, can you get some clothes ready for him? A t-shirt or a comfortable shirt to wear. Maybe you can find it in the old wardrobe in Phi Torn's room or one of the twin Phi's. Extra blankets too."

Bob III is out to carry out Forth's orders. Forth arranged the pillow on the man's side and lay down beside him.

"You might have a fever tonight and I can't rely on a robot to treat an injured human like you," muttered Forth, aimed more at himself. "He's very smart, but he's still just a machine made."

Bob III returns with a pile of clothes, new underwear and a thick blanket. He put everything on the table in the corner of the room then said goodbye to tidy up the dining room and recharge himself.

Forth lay straight and closed his eyes after Bob III closed the bedroom door. In the silence, Forth could hear the soft sound of the breath of the man next to him. Forth sighed and tried to sleep.

Forth was almost asleep after several times changing his sleeping position due to difficulty finding a comfortable position, when his ears heard a small groan next to him.

Forth opened his eyes and turned his head. The man next to him twitched and his lashes shook. He also groaned. Forth got up and sat on the bed.

A few moments later, the man opened his eyes slowly and stared at the ceiling with a blank gaze.

Forth leaned over and touched the man's arm gently. "Are you okay?" asked Forth quietly. He was afraid to startle and scare the man.

The man turned his head slowly and looked at Forth with an unreadable gaze. Forth was stunned when a moment later tears flowed from his beautiful eyes. The man pointed to his arm which was infused and sobbed. "Honey, take this needle off. My hand hurts."


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