Chapter 3

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"You know I don't like needles,"
the man scowled, his beautiful eyes radiating sadness. "This hurts."

Forth almost jumped out of bed when he saw the man reached out to grab the IV needle stuck in his arm.

"Don't do that. Its dangerous!" Forth caught the man's hand. His position was above the man, almost covering the slender body with his own body.

Forth looked up and his eyes met the man's. Beautiful. Thought Forth. A sweet vanilla-like aroma hit Forth's scent. Their faces were only inches apart and Forth could feel the warmth of his breath on his face.

"You look tired." That man caressed Forth's face with his finger tip.

Forth was shocked and immediately got up from his original position. He sat next to the man, still holding hishand. "You can't take it off. Bob thinks you're dehydrated."

"Bob? Who is it?"

"You will meet him in the morning. Now, because you are awake, you have to answer my question," said Forth, removing his hand from the man's hand. "Who are you and what has happened to you to have all these wounds?"

The man looked at Forth with confused eyes. His forehead was furrowed and his lips pursed. He seemed about to say something but then canceled it.

"I ... Beam," replied the man in a voice full of doubt. "But, why do you ask like that? Don't you know who I am? Are you teasing me?"

Forth tilted his head in surprise. "Uh? Why do you think I'm teasing you? And how do I know who you are? I found you last night in the back of my car. I really don't know who you are. Beam you say? Beam who?"

The man - Beam, looked at Forth with a look of disbelief. "Be-Beam ... I am Beam, your lover?"

Forth almost choked on his own saliva at Beam's words. "Lo-lover?"

Beam bit his lower lip and nodded.

Forth sighed and tried to calm himself. Something's wrong with Beam. "Then can you say what my name is?"

Beam looked at Forth and thought hard. He tried to open his mouth to say something but there was nothing to say. A few moments later, he began to sob. "I ... why don't I know what your name is? What happened to me? I'm Beam, but that's all I know. Oh God, what's with my brain? Why do I feel so empty?"

Forth looked at Beam. His tears made his beautiful eyes sparkle. The confusion and fear that filled his eyes made him look vulnerable.

Forth felt Beam grip his hand. He stared at Beam's pale skin against his darker skin. Unconsciously, Forth's thumb stroked Beam's hand gently. "Looks like you have amnesia because of something that happened to you. I don't know what you've been through, but now that you are in my house, then you are my responsibility, at least until you recover and can remember who you are again. If you feel, you need to go to hospital to check yourself, I'll ask my men to take you this morning. "

"No," Beam said quickly. He shook his head with a frown. "I hate hospitals. Just leave me here. I may forget a lot of things now, but I promise to try to remember everything back as soon as possible and I won't bother you and that guy named Bob. I'll be nice."

Forth smiled. Beam lives up to its name. He was sad and confused, but he was glowing with tears down his cheeks, which were now flushed. Forth released his hand from Beam's grip and wiped the tears on his cheeks. "Go to sleep. I'll take care of you. There's no one here, just the three of us, so you don't have to worry."

"But where is this and what is your name?" asked Beam doubtfully. "Why aren't you my boyfriend?"

"This is my villa, outside the city of Bangkok. My name is Jaturapoom Jamorhnoom. You can call me Forth. Why do you think of me as your lover?"

"I feel familiar to see you. You are in my dream and you make me comfortable, safe, and warm," replied Beam softly. "Doesn't that mean we have something special, with that feeling?"

Forth sighed. "It should be like that, between lovers. However, I just saw him this time and I'm sure we've never met before."

"It's a shame," Beam said, disappointed. He leaned towards Forth and stared at him closely. "Why are you helping me?"

Forth felt a warm breath of vanilla and mint aroma from Beam's mouth which was very close to his face.

Forth's eyes traced Beam's beautiful face. His eyes stopped on those full, rosy lips. Suddenly his throat felt dry. "You hit my car," answered Forth in a hoarse voice. "I can't just leave someone who is hurting on a dark and lonely road like that."

Beam pulled himself up and smiled softly. Forth's heart beat twice as fast seeing that smile. "You are very kind. Thank you very much. I promise I will try hard to remember what happened to me, which made me end up here and I will not bother you."

Forth averted his gaze from the curved lips beautifully. "It's okay. You can stay until you recover, or until you feel you need to leave."

Beam nodded and closed his eyes. Forth smoothed the blanket at Beam's feet and pulled him over Beam's stomach.

Forth watched Beam and whispered, "Go to sleep. You need plenty of rest. We'll talk later. It's almost two in the morning."

Forth lay down next to Beam, quite a distance away from him. The bed was large and Beam's slender body took up little space. Forth closed his eyes, trying to calm his heartbeat. He was thinking about moving to another bedroom, when he felt a finger poke his cheek gently. Forth turned and in the dim light of the room, he saw Beam's eyes staring at him.



"I am hungry ...."


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