Chapter 14

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-Gaara's POV-

Sasuke was coming out of his bedroom when I entered our dorm and proceeded to fall lifelessly onto the sofa, where he rubbed his temples with an annoyed expression. He didn't say anything to me right away, which didn't come as a surprise. We aren't really big on talking. He does his whole cocky routine when we're out and about, but is silent as a mouse whenever it's just us two.

We've been roommates for about a month and a half now. Tenten chose me as the first member of Prestige, Sakura being scouted second, then Sasuke, and finally Hinata.

I remember the day he stepped through the door, accompanied by Kakashi. The only thing he had was a backpack and a look on his face that made it seem like he'd arrived at a psych ward rather than a talent agency. Tenten told me that Kakashi told her that his audition was scheduled by a third party, but the Uchiha had shown up to it alone and even told them he hadn't known about it until a few days prior. Other than that, the man's an enigma.

We lived together for nearly a week before he spoke a single word to me and even then he was just shouting at me through my door because my music was too loud when he was trying to sleep. It was another two weeks before he finally changed his facial expression from the somber one he'd arrived sporting. I wondered both then and now what caused him to become so closed off. Regardless, over the following month we bonded by playing video games, working out, and attending training together. It became easy for us to read one another's facial expressions, so our dorm's silent most of the time.

As I surveyed his obviously stressed body language, I couldn't tell what his problem was for once. I tossed my shoes by the door loudly enough that it caused him to lower his hands and look over at me. A glare was tossed lazily in my direction in response. His eyes were dark as though he hadn't slept a wink the night before.

Am I the only one that slept well? I feel perfectly fine. In fact, I feel better than usual. Sakura's soft skin under my hands first thing in the morning proved to be a morale booster.

The skin around my torso tingled where her arm had rested. She cuddled me all night. The hand that had held hers flinched unconsciously. Neither of us had let go until morning. I knew that things would go back to normal come tomorrow when we have to get back to preparing for the debut, but just for today I'll let myself relish in the memory of each touch she'd granted me.

"Sorry, man. I slept in your room," Sasuke's irritated voice pulled me from my reminiscing.

His glare hardened when I gave him a confused look, "Well, you weren't here. Why the fuck would I sleep on the couch when there's a perfectly good bed not being used?"

I put my hands up, silently gesturing that he should calm down, and he rolled his eyes. When he gets like this, it's best not to feed into his argumentative mood. I inferred from his lack of explanation that he couldn't sleep in his bed, meaning Hinata most likely stayed over since she was coming home when Sakura and I awoke. The fact that he hadn't stayed in the room with her was both odd and understandable.

It was odd because Sasuke's quite the ladies man and it'd normally thoroughly surprise me to learn if he turned down the opportunity to sleep in the same bed as a woman. It was especially surprising because Hinata's an incredibly attractive girl who seemed to have warmed up to him at least slightly at the club last night. Sure, it'd be stupid for them to hook up since we've all only known each other for a short while, but there's no harm in sleeping in the same bed.

On the other end of things, however, I completely understood why he chose to keep his distance. Hinata just went through an incredibly scary situation where a man attacked her. Even if she was relaxed whilst drinking last night, she'd surely wake up and freak out if she immediately saw a man in bed next to her.

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