Chapter 54

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-Sakura's POV-

Despite Ino and Tenten threatening the boys, they refused to find somewhere else to stay the night when the time came for the big sleepover. If we're being honest, Sasuke's the one who refused, stating this is his house, too, so he's not leaving.

When Gaara attempted to follow our request by making plans with one of the producers he's become friends with, Sasuke yelled at him. Then, when the two women tried to argue further, he went on the offensive and invited guys over: Shikamaru, Neji, and Sai.

All that drama leads us to where we are now, sitting in a big circle, passing a couple bottles of whiskey around, and about to start a game of truth or dare. There's not a chance in hell this night ends peacefully.

"Remember last time we played this, and Sakura ran through the hallway in her underwear?" Tenten laughed after taking a big swig of liquor.

I grinned, "None of you can say I chickened out, though!"

Ino raised a hand and yelled above the light chatter, "Let's get this show on the road, people! I'll go first!"

Blue eyes narrowed as they scanned the room for her first victim, widening when they landed on the newcomer to our little friend group: Shikamaru. He's a pretty quiet guy that helped produce Prestige's newest album and did a damn good job if I must say so myself.

Since Gaara's interested in all things music-related, he spent some time in the studio with him and Naruto while they worked just to see what the process was like, and the rest is history. They've become at least casual friends.

"Shikamaru: Truth or Dare?"

The man's face remained unchanged since I first met him: bored and uninterested, "What a drag. Truth."

My best friend giggled mischievously from where she sat between Sai and me, "Out of the women here, who do you think is the most attractive?"

I elbowed her in the ribs when the man took on a slightly irritated look, "You're gonna scare him away."

"Either you or Temari. I've got a thing for blonds. I'd never go for either of you, though. Too troublesome," Shikamaru surprised us by answering in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

Rather than get bashful like most would, Ino cackled, "Good taste. Your turn!"

He's sitting between Gaara and Hinata, Temari on Gaara's other side and Hinata beside me. "Uh, Gaara, I guess. Truth or dare."

I stole a glance at the redhead in question, face threatening to warm and tell everyone that I was embarrassed about something. We've been pretending the whole seeing-me-drunk-and-naked thing didn't happen, so we don't have to discuss it. It's almost all I can think about around him, though.


Shikamaru didn't hesitate for a second, "Show us the most embarrassing photo you have on your phone."

Gaara's face slowly changed color as he fished his phone out of his pocket and began scrolling through his pictures. When he finally came to a stop, he covered his eyes with one hand while turning the screen around for the group to see. A choked laugh passed my lips, and I covered my mouth with my hands to muffle the following giggles.

It's the picture I took of him when I put the cat-ear headband and a green mud mask on him. He has the photo on his phone because I sent it as a taunt one day when we were play-arguing. A lot of the others made amused sounds, as well.

"Sakura, truth or dare."

My laughter ceased instantly, but I still grinned knowingly at his red face, "Dare."

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