16 - Giggles With Breakfast

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Content warning: description of food and eating, in detail.

The harsh sound of my alarm woke me up and I was mad about it. The sound of those bells every morning, probably my least favourite sound. My bed was so soft and warm and Emily's arms were so comfortable.

Wait, Emily's arms. She was here. I cuddled further into her embrace and she tickled my sides. She was awake.

"Stop trying to go back to sleep. It's time to get up Baby". I tried to fall back asleep but Emily pushed two fingers into my mouth, waking me up instantly. I let her reach the back of my throat and then she pulled them out. "Good girl".

I climbed out of bed and Emily did too. She was clearly a morning person. I was not.

"Can I make you breakfast Angel?" She placed a hand on my lower back as we walked into the kitchen.

"If you'd like to. I'm more than happy to do it myself. I don't usually have much". Her hand pressed a little more firmly on my lower back as she guided me to stand next to the cupboards.

"Today you are. What do you have? Are there ingredients to make pancakes? Or would you prefer waffles?" Emily was talking way too much for this early in the morning.

"Slow down Em. Let me get some coffee first. To answer your questions, I have ingredients to make pancakes but I prefer waffles if you can make those". Emily wrapped her arms around my waist as I made two cups of coffee.

"Waffles it is. Give me a few minutes. Go and watch some TV if you'd like Baby". Emily kissed my forehead and started opening cupboards to find the ingredients she was looking for.

"You don't know where the ingredients are Emily. I'll stay and help you, or talk to you if you'd like me to". She sighed in resignation and stepped back to let me get out the flour, eggs, butter and sugar that she could need.

I also found the waffle maker that I kept in the back of my cupboard for the rare occasion I used it and sat down at the table while I watched Emily work. She was insistent that she cooked on her own, so I let her.

"Em, tell me more about your old team. I've met JJ and you've talked about the rest of them but I don't know anything about them". She turned to face me and pointed a finger at me.

"You're a pain in my ass. Who do you want to know about first?" I smiled at her and she turned back around.

"You're the pain in my ass". She turned around to face me and I smiled at her innocently. "Hotch. You talk about him the most". She sighed and concentrated on the waffles again.

"He was my boss when I first joined the Behavioural Analysis Unit. I left for Interpol after I went undercover which was when I faked my death and then I came back when he left to go into witness protection. It's all a lot of coming and going but I trust him with my life and we both still get asked to consult on cases which is nice. It keeps us in contact". The mixture for the waffles was done just as Emily finished her explanation.

"He sounds like a nice person". She poured the waffle mixture into the machine and then turned to face me.

"He absolutely is. You can meet the team soon, at least my former team. You've already met JJ, so we're off to a good start". She giggled a little and I rolled my eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" She stepped closer to me and I imitated her pose, my lips inches from hers.

"Hello Christian Grey". She broke out into a fit of giggles and pointed at the chair I had previously been sitting in. I sat back down and I was also laughing.

"Stop it. I'm trying to be nice and cook you breakfast but you insult me". I could tell she was joking because she was still laughing and smiling.

My girlfriend turned back to the waffle machine and I admired how beautiful she looked, especially in her pyjamas and messy hair. It wasn't long before a plate of waffles and chocolate chips were set in front of me and Emily was kissing me.

I gripped the back of her hair to deepen the kiss and Emily moaned as my tongue met hers. I pulled away and picked up the cutlery to eat the breakfast my girlfriend made. She stood next to me stunned at the sudden change of plans and I fought off a smile because I flustered the ever so composed Emily Prentiss.

Deciding to continue with my teasing, I moaned at the taste of the waffles mixed with the chocolate chips hit my tongue. It pulled Emily out of the trance she was in from the kiss and I could feel her glaring at me.

"These are so good Em. Thank you for making them". I turned to look at her as I swallowed the food in my mouth and she closed her hand around my neck making my breath catch in my throat.

"You're welcome Sweet Girl". I leaned into her touch but she immediately pulled away. 'Bitch'.

"What did you just call me Slut?" Emily's hand was tugging the base of my hair to make me look at her.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. I didn't mean it". She tugged my hair a little harder sending a pleasant throb through my head and then she let go.

"You're forgiven Baby Girl, although I didn't realise you were such a slut". I had just picked up my fork and it dropped with a clatter. Emily was really trying to get me worked up before work. "It's so easy to turn you on". I glanced at her as I continued eating my breakfast but she was washing the dishes and her back was facing me.

I finished the last couple of bites of food and snuck up behind Emily to wrap my arms around her waist. A few neck kisses later and she was putty in my hands. She tilted her head to the side to give me more access but I moved away to pick up my crockery from breakfast.

Emily whined and it gave me butterflies. Damn. I quickly made my way back over to her and placed my lips against her ear to whisper something.

"Bottom". As I predicted, Emily spun around and pinned me to the counter with my hands above my head.

"I fucking dare you to call me that again and I'll have you kneeling like the slutty little girl you are". My pace of my breathing increased significantly and it made Emily smirk inches from my mouth.

"Yes Ma'am. If you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for work". I slid from Emily's hold and kissed her cheek as I made my way to the bedroom.

I heard Emily sigh as I chose my outfit from the closet. She hummed to herself as I sorted out my hair and then emerged from the bedroom. Emily's eyes ran over my body in an appreciative gaze.

I grabbed my work bag and kissed Emily a few times.

"I love you. I have to go to work. Stay here if you'd like. There's a spare key on the table. If you leave, you can use it. It's yours". She grabbed my waist and kissed me again.

"I love you too. Go. I'll see you later". Like a whirlwind, I rushed out of the door and got into my car.


A/N - Quick filler chapter with a little teasing :)

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