27 - Dresses... or Suits?

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Trying to sort out our wedding outfits was a nightmare. Emily insisted that she didn't care what I was wearing when we got married. Apparently I looked equally as hot in a dress as I did in a suit which was no help when I was deciding what to wear.

Emily refused to tell me what she was wearing and insisted it be a surprise on our wedding day. I didn't even know whether we would end up looking the same. She suggested that I take JJ with me when I went shopping because she had done the same and JJ could be the middle ground. She'd know what we were both wearing and if they would look good together.

I left Emily to finalise the guest list and check if our venue was still okay to host the wedding while I went looking for a wedding outfit with JJ. I tried on endless amounts of dresses and none of them felt right. I couldn't even show JJ some of them, I hated them that much.

JJ could sense that I was getting irritated and suggested that we went for a coffee before we looked elsewhere. I agreed so JJ took me to her favourite coffee shop and insisted on paying. She said it was the least she could after I put up with her and her honest opinions all day.

After we left the coffee shop I was feeling significantly calmer than I did earlier. We made our way to another bridal shop and when I looked at all the dresses again I could feel myself getting overwhelmed. JJ noticed and turned me away from the dresses to a darker range of clothes. She suggested I try on a suit, just for a change. It couldn't do any harm and I'd be able to go back to the dresses if I wanted. She pulled a few off the clothes rail and held them up for me to look at. I chose three to take into the changing room with me.

I tried the first one on and when I looked in the mirror I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. The euphoria I felt from being in the suit was making me emotional. JJ asked if everything was okay and I had to stop myself from sobbing.

"Yeah. It's very okay. Are you ready?" When she confirmed she was ready, I pulled the curtain back and stepped out to show her. JJ's reaction told me everything I needed to know. This was my wedding suit. She nodded and tried to speak but I could see tears in her eyes too. She tried to subtly blink them back so I pretended not to notice.

"God, you look beautiful". JJ ran her hands down my arms in an almost motherly fashion. She was right, a suit was what I had been looking for instead of a dress. I didn't feel silly or like I was playing dress up anymore and it was the best feeling.

"I love it. I'm going to get it. I don't even want to try the others. This feels like the one". I watched JJ roll her eyes and point to the dressing room.

"Go and do it anyway. You might prefer one of them and if you don't, you'll know that this really is the one". I agreed and put the second suit on.

It still looked good but I didn't like it as much as the first one. It felt a little baggy in places and when I showed JJ, she agreed. The third suit was better than the second but I'd fallen in love with the first one. JJ suggested I put it on again to make sure and when I was wearing it again, I knew. I was going to buy it.

I paid the deposit on the suit before we left. The rest of the money was going to be paid after adjustments had been made and I'd tried the suit on again.

JJ drove me back home and I insisted she come in for a coffee while myself and Emily continued to sort the outfits for the bridal party. We sorted JJ's outfit first. It was fairly simple considering she was in front of us and that she was Emily's maid of honour.

Once everyone else's outfits had been sorted, Emily suggested a movie night for the three of us. I knew she'd missed JJ just as much as I had and it was nice to just spend time with her. We finished a bottle of wine between us and then went to bed. JJ stayed in our spare bedroom. She was in no state to be driving herself home tonight.


When I woke up the next morning, it was to the smell of coffee and soft laughter coming from the kitchen. I rolled over to an empty bed and came to the conclusion that Emily and JJ were already awake. I groaned and gave myself a few minutes before getting out of bed.

I brushed my hair before making my way to the kitchen and wrapping my arms around Emily from behind.

"Hi. Good morning Angel". I buried my face in her neck and held on tighter to her. I didn't want to let go just yet. "You're cuddly today". I pressed a kiss on the top of Emily's head and then made my way to the cupboard to find a glass for water.

JJ and Emily carried on their conversation so I climbed onto Emily's lap and wrapped my arms around her neck. I reveled in the warmth of her body and just listened to them talk.

Once they finished their conversation JJ poured them both another cup of coffee. Emily leaned up to kiss my lips and then speak to me.

"We're going cake testing today. Are you okay with that?" I nodded and rested my forehead against hers.

"Yeah. Yeah. Is JJ coming?" The blonde nodded in confirmation and I smiled. "I can't wait".


A/N - That's such a shitty place to end a chapter. I am so sorry. There wasn't going to be enough for the next one otherwise. Oops. 3 chapters left :(

Also thank you for 14k reads. ily all <3

Be a Good Girl (18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora