8 - A Few Rules

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A few days after our date, Emily asked me to go over to her apartment and I was more than happy to. She opened the door and pulled me inside to gently kiss my lips. I melted at the physical contact.

"Hi Baby. I missed you". She leaned her forehead against mine.

"Hi. I missed you too". I closed my eyes and revelled in the close contact for a few minutes. She stepped back and held her hand out to me for me to follow her into the living room.

She sat on the couch and pulled me into her lap.

"I'm going to grab a bottle of wine for us while we talk about my rules. I want you to be aware of what I expect from you from here onwards. You're already a pretty good girl as it is". I blushed at her statement.

"Thank you Em". Her arms wrapped around my body and I leaned my head on her shoulder.

She stroked her hand down my arm and grabbed my hand. We cuddled for a few minutes until Emily decided she was going to get the wine from her kitchen.

I sat there while I waited for her. She came back with two glasses and a bottle of red wine.

I walked up to the table where she had set the glasses down and grabbed onto her shoulder. I wanted to have a small amount of physical contact.

She poured the wine and then handed me a glass. She stood next to me and wrapped her arm around my waist and we stood there for a few moments.


"Sweet Girl. Look at me". Emily's pointer finger and thumb on her other hand rested on either side of my chin and she tilted my head to make eye contact with her.

"I'm not a harsh mistress, at least I don't think I am. If you follow my rules I will reward you, if you don't I will punish you. Understand?" I nodded but she shook her head. "You need to speak baby. I need verbal consent please". I took a deep breath before I responded.

"I understand". She raised her eyebrow and tightened her grip slightly on my chin. "Ma'am. I understand Ma'am". Emily let go of my chin and stroked her finger over one of my cheeks.

"Good girl. Are you ready to talk about this or would you like to do it at a different time?" I blushed at her praise and then remembered I had to respond.

"I'd like to talk about it now Ma'am. If that's okay?" She placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"That's okay My Love. You're already following my first rule. Well done". She sat on the couch again and held her arms out for me to fall into. At least we would be in a comfortable place for this conversation.

"What's your first rule?" Emily's arms tightened around me slightly.

"When we're playing, and in this dynamic you are expected to call me by my title. I prefer Ma'am or Mistress but I'm open to anything you feel comfortable with".

"I like the title 'Ma'am' but that's my personal preference"... I trailed off my statement and she nodded for me to continue. "Mistress feels too formal and it's not something I particularly like. Something like 'Daddy' would make me laugh and 'Mommy' makes me very uncomfortable". She smiled and ran her hand down my arm.

"I understand that My Love, I feel the same way. Thank you for telling me". I smiled softly at her praise.

"What are your other rules Ma'am?" She shifted slightly beneath me.

"My second and most important rule is 'I will never punish you when I'm angry'. that is if you ever deserve a punishment. I assume you will at some point and I don't like to be angry when that happens. I will let the situation calm down and we'll discuss a suitable punishment if you feel you deserve it, okay?" I nodded in response but Emily shook her head. She wanted a verbal response.

"Yes Ma'am. I will discuss anything I feel is worthy of a punishment and it won't be when you are feeling angry. We will allow the situation to diffuse before anything happens". She smiled at me and it was clear I had grasped the concept of this rule.

"Good job Baby. I'm very big on communication which you'll probably get used to". I had noticed this from the text messages I had received and the previous conversations we had been having.

"I like having so much communication. It makes me feel heard instead of like I'm being pushed to the side". Her arms tightened around me a little before loosening.

"I'll always listen to you Baby. It doesn't matter what happens. Communication will always be something I insist on. If you can't communicate with your partner, I feel like a relationship won't be particularly healthy". I nodded and grabbed Emily's wrists.

"I completely agree with you. Communicating and setting boundaries is something I think that everyone should do". Emily turned her hands over to hold onto mine. I reached forward to pick my wine glass up.

"Can I have mine too please Angel?" I picked up Emily's glass and held it out to her. I stood up to grab a blanket too and I draped it over my legs when I returned to my position on Emily's lap. "Hey! I want some of that blanket too".

Emily tugged at the corner and I pulled in the opposite direction. We started a playful game of tug-of-war with the blanket. When it was clear I wasn't going to let up, Emily used her other hand to tickle my waist. I involuntarily giggled and let go of the corner of the blanket. She pulled it away and then used both hands to continue tickling me.

"Red", I called out when it became too much for me and instantly Emily stopped. It was comforting to know that she was respecting my boundaries even when we weren't playing in the bedroom. She had listened to me.

I was grateful that the first time I used the safe word wasn't when we were in the bedroom. I knew she had respected it already and that was unlikely to change in the future.

"Good girl. Thank you for trusting me to stop when you told me to, and thank you for telling me to stop". I smiled a little even though I was confused. I was the one who should be thanking her.

"Thank you for respecting my boundaries and stopping when I asked Emily". She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder lightly.

"I always will Angel. Do you feel like you can continue this conversation or would you like to stop and carry on at another time?"

"Can we continue at another time please? I'd just like to cuddle for a while". She smiled and pulled me closer to her.

"Absolutely My Love".


I stayed at Emily's apartment for a few hours and we ordered take away food. I had to go home at some point because I had work in the morning.

Emily however, didn't let me leave without a kiss. It made me smile that she was so affectionate and I fell asleep with a smile on my face for another night since meeting Emily.


A/N - Surprise. Another chapter. I joined my friend's Instagram live and we wrote together. Apparently I'm more productive when I call someone (oopsies)...

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