5 - I Forgot

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I woke up with a groan the next morning. My alarm was louder than I remembered. I sighed and then turned it off to avoid getting a headache. I checked my phone before getting out of bed and found a message from Emily, which I wasn't expecting.

from Emily Prentiss: Good morning Sweet Girl. I hope you slept well. Have a good day, I'll talk to you later.

from Me: Morning Emily. I slept well thank you. I hope you're okay too :)

from Emily Prentiss: I'm good Angel. Take care of yourself. I'll speak to you when you get home from work, okay?

from Me: Of course. Have a good day too!

After replying to Emily's messages, I was feeling more awake so I got out of bed and made a cup of coffee to drink while I was getting ready for work. If I had enough time, I would grab something to eat on my way there.

With some gentle music on in the background, I got ready for work. A suit was my choice of clothing for today. The dress code for my office was always smart. Dresses, skirts, shirts, suits. In all honesty it was tiring to have to dress nicely everyday.

I put a little makeup on while humming to the music in the background.

Once I was finished I took a quick glance around every room in my apartment to check I had everything I needed for work. I spotted the files I'd started to look at yesterday so I picked them up and put them in my work bag.

I left my apartment block and made my way to the train station. It was quicker to catch the train than to drive and find a parking spot so I used the public transport most days. Occassionaly I drove to work but only when I needed to go other places during or after work.

The train was pretty quiet today. There were a few teenagers and a few other commuters who I saw most mornings.

When the train announced my stop I collected all of my things and went to stand by the doors so I could be one of the first to leave.

As soon as the doors to the train opened, I was off and making my way outside. There were people everywhere and I had to be careful to not bump into anyone while I was walking.

After finally making it outside I walked to the office and welcomed the receptionist on my way in. It was a small thing I did every morning because I could tell it made them feel welcome.

Alex, our receptionist at the office, always had a smile on their face. I appreciated them and everything they did every day so saying 'good morning' and asking how their day was on my way out of the office was the least I could do.


My day was spent with obnoxious and misogynistic men which was... interesting to say the least. Leaving work was always a relief. It meant I didn't have to counteract every comment my colleagues made.

The train ride home was always more stressful than when I was going to work. There seemed to be more people coming home from work than going there. It was probably because people started work at different times but most places closed at the same time. I don't know.

As much as I hated it I had to be vigilant on the train. You never know what can happen. I always like to look out for other women as well as myself.

Thankfully most of the people on the train were women and we all stood together. It had become a subconscious thing we always did.

I walked home from the train station in complete silence. It was easier to be vigilant when there were no distractions.


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