13 - Drinking and Teasing

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"Em, do you have something I can wear?" I shouted across the apartment. Emily was in the bathroom and I was still in the bedroom. The clothes I wore yesterday were not suitable for an evening out.

"Uhhh. Just choose something from my closet baby. I don't mind if you want to wear something of mine". I smiled at the thought of being able to wear her clothes.

"Thank you. You're the best". I grabbed a pair of jeans that were the right size for me and I found a shirt that I liked so I put it on and grabbed my jacket from the day before. I could wear the same shoes. They matched any outfit which was my favourite thing about them.

Emily came out of the bathroom and joined me in the bedroom. She smiled at me as she walked closer.

"You're so beautiful". A blush crept up on my cheeks and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hi". Emily leaned her forehead against mine.

"Hi Angel". It still baffled me that Emily was my girlfriend. She was showing her sweet side right now and it was one of my favourite things about her. "Are you nearly ready?" I pulled back from the embrace and nodded.

"Yeah. I just want to put on some makeup while you finish getting ready". Emily's hair was straightened and she had a dark makeup look with long eyelashes. I didn't know it was possible for someone to have such long natural eyelashes.

"You're staring Baby. Is there something on my face?" Emily tilted her head slightly to the side and her nose scrunched up.

"I'm just looking at my beautiful girlfriend". She scoffed and I cupped her cheek to make her look at me. "Stop that. You are beautiful". She kissed my palm and stepped back to finish getting ready. She still had to choose the outfit she was going to wear.

"Thank you Baby. I'm nearly ready". I stuck a little concealer under my eye and blinked a few times to get used to the feeling of the mascara on my eyelashes and then told Emily I was ready.


She held my hand or kept her hand on my thigh for the whole time she was driving to the bar. She insisted on staying sober and letting me drink to loosen up a little when properly meeting Jennifer, which I have to admit I was quite glad about.

When she pulled up outside of the bar we had arranged to meet Jennifer in, she opened the door for me and helped me step out of the car. She held onto my hand until we were inside. The only reason she let go was because Jennifer swooped her into a hug.

"Emmy! I missed youuuuu". Jennifer was almost shouting and I flinched a little at the volume of her voice.

"Jayje. Hey. This is my girlfriend, Y/N". Jennifer let go of Emily and wrapped her arms around me instead.

"Well hello Y/N. It's so nice to properly meet you. You're beautiful". She kept her hands on my shoulders as she stepped back and scanned her eyes over my body.

"JJ. Stop checking out my girlfriend". Emily lightly pushed Jennifer's arms away from my body and wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Possessive Emily. I like her". She kissed my cheek and when bit down on my earlobe making me fight off a moan.

Jennifer grabbed my hand and pulled me to the table she was sat at. It was like being around a small child but I didn't mind too much.

"Tell me more about you!" The blonde stated excitedly. I hate when people ask me this question. What am I supposed to say? 'I'm a psychopath who hates puppies and children. Nothing makes me happy, except committing murder and I'm a drug dealer who is part of a larger network'? For some reason, I don't think that would go down well with an FBI agent.

"Uh, what do you want to know?" I looked to Emily for reassurance.

"What do you do for work? How did you meet Emily? What's your favourite food?" I had to think quickly or I'd forget what she asked me.

"I'm a lawyer and my favourite food is pasta. I love it. Emily can tell you how we met. She makes it sound so much nicer than me". Emily's nails dug into my thigh and I had to fight off the gasp I wanted to let out from the pain.

"We met at a bar. She looked so beautiful sitting there with her drink and I had to approach her, didn't I Baby?". I smiled at Emily. She was slightly more vague than I would have been.

"Yes you did. I'm so glad you came to speak to me". Emily's fingers started moving in circles on my thigh getting slightly higher each time.

The way Emily was using me was turning me on and I was close to moaning so I pushed her hand away. Instead of deterring her, she took it as a challenge.

To start with she kept her hand resting on my thigh. Occasionally she squeezed a little but for the rest of the conversation I was having with Jennifer, she kept inching her hand closer to the middle of my legs. Her lips would feel so much better, leaving small kisses and bite marks on the inside of my thighs before she-

"Y/N, are you okay?" The blonde asked and my cheeks flushed at being caught with my own thoughts.

"Yes Jennifer, thank you. I was just thinking about work. I hope you don't think I'm rude". She smiled at me and Emily wrapped her arm around my waist innocently kissing my cheek.

"It's all good. Don't worry about it, and please call me JJ. Jennifer makes me feel old". I nodded and insisted I got another round of drinks to make up for letting my mind wander.


We stayed for an hour and a half before JJ stated that she needed to get home to her family. I had heard all of the latest gossip from the BAU, even though I didn't know who anybody was.

We walked out with JJ and got in Emily's car. I was feeling a little tipsy but I'd been in worse states.

Emily helped me into the passenger seat of the car and then she started driving. I watched as her hands moved the gear stick. The way she effortly switched between the steering wheel and the gear stick as we drove through the residential area.

I could feel my arousal growing as I pictured her hands on my body and I had to turn my head and look out of the window to stop the impure thoughts coming into my head. I should be coming...

"Angel, are you okay?" Emily rested her hand on my thigh and that was the last straw. I let out a moan and she realised what was happening. "If you can stay silent for the rest of the drive home I'll reward you later. okay?"

I nodded and Emily smiled. Her hand moved higher up my leg and I then realised what I had gotten myself into. Long fingers danced on my inner thighs and along my panties and the whole time I fought off a moan.

Emily pulled the car into the parking spot with her name on it and practically dragged me up to her apartment.

She was quick to lock the door and push me up against it with her hand around my neck.

"Tell me what you want me to do to you Sweet Girl"...


A/N - Not what you were all thinking, but if you ask nicely... 👀

Also unsub reader, or nah? Just kidding, or am I?

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