3 - What Happens Now?

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I woke up with my head on a woman's chest and her warm fingers making patterns on my back. Wait... That hasn't happened for a while. Where am I? This isn't my bed.

I gently opened my eyes and took in my surroundings to realise I'd gone home with Emily last night and today was my day off. I cuddled further into her chest and she sighed contentedly. Neither of us said anything for a while. Emily placed a kiss on top of my head before speaking.

"How are you feeling now Angel? Do you have plans for the rest of the day?" I pulled myself out of her arms and lay on my back to face the ceiling. Closing my eyes so I didn't have to face Emily, I responded.

"In all honesty, no I don't. You changed my entire day. I was just going to sleep off a hangover and look at more cases before going to court for the rest of the week. My day is entirely free and I'm happy about it. I feel so much better today. Thank you ma'am".

She scoffed and poked my side. "None of the Ma'am please angel. I told you to call me Emily already. I'm glad you feel better. Can I get you some breakfast or would you like to stay here?" She asked as she turned to face me and brush a lock of hair out of my eyes.

I decided to mess with her a little and bring out the brat in me to tease her and see how she would respond. She should know what she's getting into before she takes me on a date, right?

"If breakfast is you ma'am, I'll take it". I said with a smirk that was quickly wiped off my face when my jaw was grasped between Emily's fingers and her breath felt hot against my right ear. I let out a small gasp.

"My, my, someone is testing me already. Colour Baby, can I go further?" Emily asked in a husky voice and my heart jumped a little. This woman is nearly perfect.

My voice came out breathy and higher pitched than normal. "Green. Please Emily. Fuck".

Emily trailed her hand to skim over my neck and draw circles over my collarbone, and her lips moved to the corner of my mouth as if she was going to kiss me.

"Look who's decided to be a good girl now. Let's go put on another movie Angel. We have things to discuss. I'd like to be your domme. Can you have a think about it for me?" She pecked me on the cheek, stood up and offered me her hand so I could climb out of bed too.

I sighed and grabbed her awaiting hand because there was nothing I could do about the wetness between my thighs. It would have to wait until later.

Emily chose a Christmas movie even though it was past Christmas and set the volume on low so that we could talk like she wanted us to. "I'll be back in 2 minutes Angel. Get yourself comfortable for me. Grab a blanket, lie down, do what makes you comfortable. I'm grabbing some water and a pen, okay?"

I nodded when she looked at me and Emily smiled at me before leaving the room. I looked around for one of the blankets she talked about. I spotted a grey fluffy blanket with stars and moons on it in the corner of the room draped over the back of a chair and wrapped myself in it and stood waiting for Emily to come back.

When Emily came back, I was still standing up, wrapped in the blanket and she smiled affectionately. "Why are you standing up Angel? Do you want to cuddle?"

I nodded and she sat down with her arms open for me to fall into. Once I was comfortable in her embrace, she handed my a glass of water that had been set down on the floor along with a notebook and pen.

I took a sip of water as she opened the notebook to the first page and wrote my name on the first line. My curiosity got the better of me and before Emily could explain what she was doing, I asked. She let out a giggle and poked me in the side.

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