17 - Brats and Cuddles *

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It's a smutty one so, be prepared.

We have: degradation, choking, praise and aftercare.


All day while I was working, my phone buzzed with texts from Emily. Some were innocent, some were not. The longer I went ignoring her, the more texts she sent and some of them made me squirm in my seat.

By lunchtime I couldn't ignore Emily's messages anymore so I told her to stop. Apparently that just encouraged her more but I knew that I had my safeword if I truly wanted her teasing to stop.


from Emily Prentiss: My Baby always looks so pretty...
from Emily Prentiss: Especially on her knees with her hand tied behind her back and tears streaming down her face.
from Emily Prentiss: Although, my favourite sight is when one of my hands is around your throat and the other is feeling how wet you are.
from Emily Prentiss: You could suck my fingers clean as I make you gag and when I finally let you cum, we'll go out for dinner and I'll keep my hand on your thigh all the time as a reminder of what I can do to you.

from Me: While that does sound like fun, I like to be able to see your hands so, watching as you fuck yourself in front of me while I'm tied up and helpless sounds even better...
from Me: Just saying xoxo

from Emily Prentiss: You have a hand kink. I knew it. It was the way you stared at my hands when I first drove you home...
from Emily Prentiss: Don't worry Angel, I'll make sure you can see the veins in my hands as I grip onto the gear stick in my car when I drive you home later.
from Emily Prentiss: I'll have you begging to suck my fingers and then fuck you with them.

from Me: You said that about me being on my knees but that didn't happen.
from Me: You're all talk but no play Em.


Let's be fair, I absolutely could give as good as she gave. If Emily was going to flirt with me and send me sexual texts I was going to reciprocate.

At 5pm, I was ready to leave work and Emily messaged me to say that she was outside. I unbuttoned my shirt a little more and checked that I looked okay before I made my way outside.

As soon as the door to the car closed, Emily's lips were on mine and her hand was tangled in my hair.

"Hi there Sweet girl. I really missed you". Emily's messages had started to fluster me and I was getting needy for her to touch me.

"I missed you too Mistress, and I missed your hands". The use of her title so soon and partly in public made Emily gasp and take a deep breath. She clearly hadn't been expecting it.

"Keep your hands where I can see them for the whole drive, don't touch me and don't beg. If you can manage those three things, I'll reward you when we get back to my apartment. Understand?" I opened my mouth and then remembered what Emily said so I nodded my head and rested my hands palm up on my thighs. "Good girl".

Emily used the gear stick to put the car into first gear and then she started driving. I watched her switch between gears as we joined the highway and came off. The urge to reach out and run my fingers over the veins on the back of her hands was strong but I managed to keep my hands where Emily told me to put them.

I was mesmerised by how beautiful she looked when she was driving. The way her eyes flicked between the mirrors when she was changing lanes or passing other cars, the way her hands clenched as she grabbed the steering wheel or turned the music up a little. I was getting more desperate as we got closer to Emily's apartment.

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