15 - Forehead Kisses and Admissions

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Contains: Vulnerable and insecure Emily.

I woke up to soft kisses being left over my cheeks and forehead. I smiled at the gentleness of my girlfriend and she kissed my lips when she noticed I was awake.

"Good morning Baby". I was the first to speak as I broke the kiss.

"Good morning Sweet Girl. How did you sleep?" Emily brushed a few pieces of fallen hair out of my face as she spoke to me.

"I'm good Em. A little sore, but it's nothing I can't handle. How are you feeling?" I lay on my back, letting myself feel the small ache as I lay down.

"A little guilty. I just want to look after you today". She cupped my cheek and rested her head on my chest as she lay back down next to me.

"Then you can do that. Why are you feeling guilty? Talk to me Baby. Let me help you work it out". I grabbed the hand Emily had on my cheek and she pulled it to her mouth to kiss the back of my hand a few times. The way she kissed all of my knuckles was so soft and tender. It made my heart melt a little.

"I just feel like I was perhaps a little harsh. I should have discussed it with you more beforehand". Emily let go of my hand and pulled her own hand to her mouth. She started biting at the skin around her nails. I sat us both up and held her face close to mine.

"We did discuss it beforehand and if I wasn't okay with it, I would have safeworded out Emily. In no way do I think you were harsh. You were reprimanding me. If anything, I really enjoyed it. Please don't feel guilty". I stroked my thumb over Emily's cheek a few times and thankfully it helped calm her down.

"I hurt you though Baby. My main priority is keeping you safe and taking care of you. That's what I told you when I first met you". She shook her head a little and I could tell she was starting to stress herself out.

"You take care of me everyday. And yeah, you might have hurt me but it was the good kind of pain. I love it Emily". Was now a bad time to tell her how in love with her I was?

"You have to promise me that if I hurt you too bad, you'll leave. Just end everything. Don't let me do it again". My eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Where is all of this coming from Emily? I'm not making any promises until I know the whole story, even if it takes years for you to tell me". I kissed Emily's lips lightly and I could see tears building in her eyes.

"It was a long time ago but I was in a bad situation and I didn't know how to leave without hurting my Dom's feelings. I just want to make sure that you're never in that situation". I wiped the tears from under Emily's eyes and made sure she kept eye contact with me.

"Emily. Stop. There's a reason we have safewords and I trust you to stop. You're a good dominant and an amazing girlfriend". Emily rested her forehead against mine and closed her eyes.

"I love you". She whispered against my lips and I had to make sure I heard her right.

"Yeah?" She nodded and I closed my eyes as well. "I love you too". I could feel her mouth forming into a smile and I realised how much this woman truly meant to me.


We stayed in bed all day and I let Emily leave all the kisses she wanted on my forehead, cheeks and lips. If she wanted to take care of me, of course I was going to let her.

Once it reached 5pm, I forced myself to go back to my own apartment. I didn't want to go home and leave my girlfriend but I had work in the morning. I should do at least a little this evening to lessen my work load for tomorrow.

I stuck on my favourite movie and sat on the couch while I did some work. Emily had been texting me since I had left her apartment and she had ordered food for me so that she knew I was eating sufficiently. It made me smile at how much she looked after me, even when I wasn't with her.

I stopped working at 9pm and notified Emily that I was done working for the night.


from Emily Prentiss: I'm missing you already. Can you come back please?

from Me: I know Em. I miss you too :(
from Me: You should come visit me ;)
from Me: I could really use a cuddle :(

from Emily Prentiss: I know you meant that as a joke but I'm at your apartment door and I have clothes...
from Emily Prentiss: If you didn't know, I give good cuddles too.

from Me: You're here?! I'm coming to the door. Gimme a second.


I opened the front door of my apartment to find Emily stood there with a sheepish smile on her face.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my face into the crook of the neck.

"How have I missed you this much? It's literally been a few hours". Emily wrapped her arms around me and swayed me side to side a few times.

"Hi My Love". I let go of Emily and grabbed her bag to pull her inside.

"Come give me cuddles, in bed please". Emily followed me into the bedroom and lay down on my bed. She held her arms out and I flopped into them very ungracefully.

"I got you Baby. It was weird not having you in my apartment. I got used to having you there and you've only stayed for a few days". Emily's heartbeat was steady and she was soft.

"Mhmm. I love you. That's the only thing I can say to describe how I feel". Emily's hands danced over my skin and I was starting to get sleepy.

"I love you too Angel. You can fall asleep. I don't mind. I'll make my way home once I know you're sleeping". I fought off the urge to sleep for another few minutes.

"I need to set my alarm. Please stay. If you can. If you need to go home, I don't mind but I'd like you to stay". Emily fingers felt like heaven running through my hair and massaging my scalp.

"Let me do that for you. I can stay. I just wasn't sure you wanted me to".

"6:30am for my alarm please". My eyes fluttered closed as Emily's fingers returned to my hair and I let myself fall asleep.


A/N - Is there anything you'd like to see in this book? (Besides a threesome) I'm struggling to come up with ideas at the moment.

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