part 12-13

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Arizona: what?

You: I love you to Arizona...

Arizona: y/n! your awake oh thank god your awake how are you feeling? are you ok?

You: "I'm ok I think I'm just a little confused" *you could tell something was wrong but you didn't want to worry Arizona.."

You: "I remember leaning over you when we were still in the bathtub trying to keep you safe and then hearing the roof cracking and then I remember waking up on the pile of metal and glass and concrete and I remember hearing you screaming for me.. and I wanted to come find you and help you but I couldn't move... I couldn't speak I couldn't even let you know where I was Im so sorry.. and I remember you finding me and then I passed out when you went to find help and then I woke up when you started talking to Alex.."

Arizona: "you were awake for all of that?"

You: "yeah I didn't feel like moving I felt too week and also I kind of wanted to hear what you were going to say about me.." *you smile*

*Arizona laughs making you laugh but you tried not to cause it hurt*

Arizona: "so you heard all of that?"

You: "yeah pretty much.." *you giggle*

*Arizona laughs*

Arizona: "y/n you scared me... I thought I lost you and I did lose you I couldn't find you for almost an hour and in that hour I was so regretful that I never told you that I loved you.. so when I finally found you awake I thought there probably wasn't a better time then to tell you because I was scared that I was going to lose you"

You: "I'm so sorry Arizona I-"

Arizona: *y/n no you don't get to be sorry this is not your fault at all you knew I was scared and you tried to protect me you tried to comfort me and make me feel better and you covered me and you literally-"

You" I literally used myself as a human body shield... I told you I heard everything.."

Arizona laughs and kisses your forehead*

Arizona: "oh y/n thank you for waking up I'm so happy you woke up.."

You: "you didn't think I would leave you that easily did you?" * you laugh but it hurt even more*

Arizona: "I don't know I mean you were buried under all of that medal and you needed help fast and I didn't I just didn't want to lose you.."

* you start to code*


later that night*

Meredith: "we don't know what happened she just started to code so we honestly just have to hope that she will be ok.. all of the procedures went fine so it isn't that we managed to get her back in time but when she wakes up she really needs to rest I don't know what happened in here but she needs to rest...

Arizona: "we didn't do anything nothing happened she didn't do anything she woke up and was talking but its y/ns business I mean your her aunt and I don't know what she has told you so I'm just going to shut up.."

Meredith: "I'm not stupid Arizona I know you and y/n are a couple you were at her apartment I still haven't been there I put the two together and the fact that you haven't left her side since she's gotten here...

Arizona: "I told her that I loved her in the ambulance and I didn't think that she would remember but she did and it was the first thing she said when she woke up that she loved me.."

Meredith: "as cute as I find that she still needs to rest.."

Arizona: "of course.."

*Meredith walks out*

You: "I heard all that exposing me to my aunt.." *you laugh*

Arizona: "oh my god you really need to stop dying and listening to my conversations"

You: "ok ok.." *you laugh*

Arizona: "as much as I hate to tell you this you need to rest like your aunt said and if you don't shell kill me" *she laughs*

You: "yeah she's intimidating sometimes but she's a big sweetheart I promise.."

Arizona: "Im serious!"

You: "yeah I know.."

you roll over and try to fall asleep it takes a while but eventually, you do

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