because you said that you loved me.

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You walk further down the hallway to try to see whats happening and Meredith stops you*

You: its Arizona..

Meredith: yeah it is... But shes only here y/n because she cares about you and shes worried she is still technically your wife and your just ignoring her... I mean you havent asked her to sign divorce papers-

You: you think we should get divorced?

Meredith: no-no! Thats not what Im saying at all Im saying that I know you miss her because if you really didnt want to forgive her you would have just gotten the divorce papers already.

You look down at your feet and a tear hits the floor* I miss her I really really miss her but she hurt me she cheated on me at our work and what would have happened if I never walked in what if she never even told me? What if we lived the rest of our lives together and she just pretended it never happened?

Arizona hears you talking* y/n? she runs up to the hallway but Mer stops her

Mer: I think you should leave..

Arizona looks up at you with tears in her eyes and you look back down at the floor umm Meredith its ok..

Mer: are you sure?

You: yeah its fine. *Meredith steps back*

Arizona: y/n are you ok? What happened? If youre ok with me asking..

Youre still looking at the floor not looking at her* Can we umm talk? In private?

Arizona: of course! she has tears in her eyes and she tries to force a small smile because you finally want to talk to her you walk into the room and sit down on the edge of the patient's bed and Arizona stands in front of you*

Arizona: listen y/n I wanted to tell you that I didnt try to cheat on you I love you Amelia just followed me into the room and

You start to cry*

Arizona looks up at you a tear falls down her face and her voice is shaky no no I dont go there I wont tell you what happened but you have to believe me that nothing happened I didnt feel anything but anger at her she pushed herself on me I never wanted to hurt you

You look up at Arizona and then up at the roof trying not to cry your voice goes shaky and you take a deep breath* tell me what happened. I want to know everything that happened and I want details.

Arizona: ok well I went into the on-call room cause I was going to sleep and wait for you when she just ran in after me she didnt even wait for the door to close and I just asked her what bunk she wanted and she pushed me against the wall and umm

There was a pause before you finally looked up at her with tears in your eyes Arizona I said I wat to know everything because we are married. You told me that you loved ME that you wanted to be with ME and I dont know if Im just not enough for you anymore or what but I need to know because if you want to fix this with me you need to tell me everything..

Arizona: y/n.. All that happened was a kiss. She kissed me and I pushed her off and you walked in thats all that happened it meant nothing.. And y/n Your perfect. Youre honestly too good for me. I dont know why you keep taking me back after the stupid stupid things I do but you do and if you dont take me back this time I just. *she sniffles and looks at you in your eyes* I just need us to be on good terms.. *she plays with her fingers*

You: Arizona..

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