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Arizona!?? ARIZONA??

You cant see her anywhere where did she go? I shouldnt be too concerned right she did this for me on my birthday so maybe theres a text message from her? You check your phone nothing... No missed calls and no messages...

Maybe she umm

Tour trying to think of ANYTHING good that this could possibly be but nothing... all that you can think is that she either left you while you were sleeping because she didnt want to deal with your crazy ex or maybe something happened to her maybe she left to the store quickly to get coffee before I woke up she does that sometimes right... But she always leaves a message she never just up and leaves theres something wrong you start to get sick to your stomach thinking of all these horrible possibilities when you get a phone call from Arizona's phone

You answer it hoping its Arizona with an explanation

You: hey! I thought you ghosted me or something you chuckle out of pure nervousness

However, who replies isnt Arizona

Heather(steak knives): hey y/n Ive missed you

Your jaw drops and you jump out of bed getting your shoes on knowing that something is wrong with Arizona

And that it wasnt Arizona's fault

You hold the phone up to your ear trying not to miss a single word that she says

You: where is she... Heather listen to me do not touch her.

Heather: or what y/n... Are you going to threaten me and never do anything about it like you always did... You never could fight back you are just a worthless little nobody...

Oh but let me guess you think that because you got a big shot job got out of our relationship and got to start over AND be a co-host at a fundraiser without me knowing that youve changed and your life just gets to restart? your wrong you will always be just as worthless as when I first met you...

You: where is she let me talk to her...

Heather: I dont think she can talk right now

You stay quiet for a second trying to think about what you should do to save her when you hear Arizona scream in the background but almost like she had something in her mouth that was stopping her a cloth maybe?

Heather: nevermind she woke up here...

She puts the phone up the Arizona's face and you can hear her in the background...

Heather: Arizona right? Thats your name... You can hear Arizona whimper no and heather yells


You hear Arizona let out a very loud scream

You jump and put the phone back up to your ear

Heather: lie to me again and it will be double that

You: Arizona what happened where are you?

Heather moves the phone back to herself you dont get to ask questions like that y/n... Those are too much now y/n you have 2 options here 1. Is that you come here and you make it up to me and we can date again or option 2. is your little girl toy here dies while you give up and go home until i find you again and trust me i found you once I can find you again...

You can hear Arizona yell from behind her she got the cloth out of her mouth!

Arizona in the background 325 cherry lane!

It was hard to understand her she sounded weak but you recognized the address because thats where heather lived

You get into your car as fast as you can and on your way, you put Heather on hold and you get extremely scared that Arizona is being hurt so you quickly call 911

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