the car ride..

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Its been a month since everything happened but you and Arizona are good! You guys have shared many laughs and you are very proud of her for completing her sick kids from Africa program so tonight is the night where the hospital throws its annual fund-raiser to help with future probono surgeries like this you and Arizona head home and start to get ready

You: which dress should I wear the shorter red one or the black one thats mid-length with the zip up back?

Arizona: umm I think you should wear the one thats easiest to get in and out of...

You: oh I think I know what that means

She comes over and gives you a kiss

Arizona: ok come on get dressed we dont want to be late I mean we are the guests of honor

You: you are the guest of honor this is your night for helping all those kids come on! I cant take this victory from you...

Arizona: but you helped me a lot so its both of us. lets just agree to disagree

You: fine... And you laugh

You walk to the bathroom to slip on the dress when you come back Arizona is all dressed and trying to get a necklace on you slowly walk up behind her to help her with her necklace you push her hair out of the way*

Arizona: thank you...

You: of course! Ok, you ready?

Arizona: yup! Lets go!

You get to the event and your a few minutes late so Arizona kisses you on the cheek and hurries off to say her speech

Shes wrapping up her speech when she says...

Arizona: of course if I took all of the credit for saving all of those kids lives I would just be selfish so Dr. Sloan

She looks at you*

Arizona: I want you to help me start the night in the best way possible!

Flustered you walk up to the stage and stand beside her

You: thank you Dr. Robbins it was a great honor to help save all those kids with you and Im glad to be on your service!

Everyone claps*

Arizona: now dont let us bore you enjoy the night and have fun!

You both walk off of the stage

You: you didnt have to do that you know

Arizona: I know that but I wanted everyone to see how good you look in that dress

When someone comes up behind Arizona

Dr. Smith: ah! Dr. Robbins, its a pleasure I hope Im not interrupting anything I just need to hear all the details about this program that you run I mean getting African kids to come to Seattle for life-saving surgeries thats incredible!

Arizona: oh yeah! Umm

She looks back at you*

You: no no go! It is a fund-raiser after all!

She walks away with Dr. smith

You stand alone and get a drink after a while when Jo

Comes up behind you at the bar

Jo: hey superstar!

You: huh? Thats my nickname? Why?

Jo: cause you got to stand up there with doctor Robbins sending of the yearly fund-raiser thats why! no one has ever accompanied the host up on stage!

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