are you sure your ready?

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You: Arizona..

She looks up at you with tears in her eyes and you sit there for a minute a tear falls down your cheek* Arizona.. I want.. I want this to work out. I really do but I don't think that I can take more hurt.. We've been through alot and I mean alot.. Like near death experiences and-

Arizona: and everytime you save me.. You always save me every single time that I need help You are there to catch me and sweep me off my feet and save me. And you help me until I feel better until I can be happy again. Every single time y/n so I need to be there for you when you need to be saved. *she takes a deep breathe and her voice goes shaky* y/n your a strong woman you have gone through way too much hurt for one lifetime no one should ever have to suffer the way you did the way you are.. And you may be a strong woman but you need someone in your corner you need a shoulder to cry on so cry, scream do whatever you need to do. Do it. *she walks up to you and tries to hide her tears and stop them from falling*

You: Arizona i-

Arizona: no y/n scream. Cry. I don't care, just do something!

You: Arizona.

Arizona: y/n! Do something! *her voice gets louder*

You: Arizona! Dont. *your voice gets louder trying to shout over her*

Arizona: y/n! *tears fall down her face because she doesn't want to yell at you especially if you are breaking up she doesnt want her last memories of you guys to be yelling at each other she was right she did just really want to be on good terms*

You start to breakdown and you place your head in your hands*

Arizona sits beside you and hugs you with tears in her eyes* I told you y/n you need to scream and cry..

You: Arizona, I don't want to give up on us, I really don't but you have to promise me that it meant nothing to you..

Arizona takes a deep breath and sighs* oh thank god! she looks over at you y/n look at me..

You slowly look up into her eyes*

Arizona: it meant nothing I swear. I love you. I never wanted anything to happen..

You rest your head on her shoulder and she holds your head and kisses your forehead* i love you.

Arizona: i love you to

You: i'm still mad at you *you laugh and wipe your tears*

Arizona laughs that's ok

You sit for a few minutes before Arizona asks are you ready to go home?

You: yeah i'm tired i want to sleep..

Arizona: of course come on..

You both get up and walk out of the room and Meredtih as waiting right outside the door*

Mer: I heard yelling, is everything ok? *she looks down to you because your looking down at the floor you stay quiet*

Arizona: everything is ok. Everything will be ok.. She will need some time but she is strong and she will be ok.. She looks down at you and smiles*

Mer: good that's good. y/n?

You look up at her with tears still in your eyes*

Mer: your ok?

You: yeah i'm ok i just want to go home i want to sleep.

Mer: ok let's go home then i'll drive..

You nod your head and walk to the waiting room and you stop walking*

Arizona: what's wrong?

You freeze and your whole body gets shaky and feels cold* thats- thats

Arizona: what's wrong you're scaring me..

Meredith: y/n?

You: that's him *you point to a tall man in the ER with scratches all over him and he was unconscious on a stretcher going in for a CT*

Arizona takes a deep breathe oh god..

Your Still frozen and Arizona looks up at Meredith unsure on what to do*

Mer: umm ok we will go the other way come on.. *she turns around and grabs your hand while Arizona holds you. You all walk to the car and head home Meredith driving and Arizona hugging you in the back seat*

The next day*

You wake up before Arizona and get in the shower you go back to the bedroom and get dressed*

Arizona: hey how are you?

You: good i'm going to get breakfast from the coffee cart in front of the hospital instead today..

Arizona: the hospital?

You: yeah im working today * you smile and start to tie your shoes*

Arizona: Are you sure your umm ready to work again so soon?

You stand up and look at her yes. Yes im sure i can work again i had a minor set back but i'm ok i just need to get back to work again and get my mind off of it and pretend it never happened

Arizona: are you sure you should just forget about it instead of dealing with it. talking to people maybe?

You: Arizona.. You know we deal with things differently i pretend they never happened and you talk to people where different

Arizona: i know it's just.. Nothing it's fine let's go..

At the hospital*

You walked into the hospital today and bailey informed you that the guy is still in the hospital but he is in a room so he shouldn't be a problem she also tried to get you to go home but you told her what you said to Arizona so now you just have to try to spend the rest of the day avoiding the ER or practically anywhere other than the peds floor which should be fine right?.

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