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You are laying on the floor and you start to wake up. Everything around you is up in flames and you can barely see anything. Your arms and legs hurt, you're covered in Debris and burns and you feel like you are weak and want to give up and just lay there the pain would be over soon right? It didnt take that long for him to die. You cant hear anything, not even the fire crackling around you. You didnt notice it at first but then your ears started to ring and you could hear screaming its Lyla!

You: Lyla???!!

Lyla: dr. Sloan!! I thought you were dead dont do that!

You start to get up but your whole body hurts so you scream*

Lyla: Dr. Sloan??

You: im ok Lyla its ok Lyla? I need you to answer this question for me ok where are you I told you to go downstairs where are you?

Lyla: umm i dont i-

You: ok its ok just keep talking to me I can find you just keep talking

She continues to talk to you by asking questions. she was really confused which was understandable she is 7 and she is in a room that just exploded you turn around the corner franticly and see Lyla pinned under a machine

You: crap! Lyla are you stuck under that machine?

Lyla: yeah I dont think I can- *she tries to move her leg but she cant and she screams*

You: hey hey no no dont try to move dont worry I can.. * you turn around to look around the room looking through drawers trying to find something to help with her leg so that it will stop bleeding* I can umm dont worry Lyla you are in luck ok *you continue to scramble* because i... I am the best dam pediactrics doctor in this hospital ok? Yes! Ok, I can work with this.. Umm Lyla talk to me ok? Do you know what pediatrics means?

Lyla shakes her head*

You: well pediatrics is the specialty where the doctors only take care of kids so I specialize in taking care of kids just like you so you are in amazing luck you are going to be just fine! Ok? *you smile because she is still obviously terrified*

Lyla: ok..

You: ok Lyla this is going to hurt this will really hurt so I need you to scream or clench your fists ok? Do whatever you need to do

Lyla nods and she clenches her fists and her face tenses up*

You wrap her leg right above the open wound with a rubber tourniquet and lift the machine while Lyla screams*

You: I know I know its ok to see all done now we just need to get out of this building before it burns ok? Im going to hold you I want you to wrap your arm around me and put all your weight on me ok do not put any weight on your leg ok?

Lyla: ok..

You pick Lyla up and she leans on you she ends up hitting one of your burns with her arm and you flinch*

Lyla gets scared* oh god Im


You: no no no its not you. your ok dont worry about me ok?

She nods*

You: ok good come on we need to hurry

You help Lyla to the door of the stair case but when you look down the stairs there is a fire that runs all the way from the bottom floor towards your floor it as right below you guys*

You: ok ok thats ok.. *your trying to stay calm so that Lyla doesnt get more freaked out the she was* ok Lyla you need to get on my back i need you to think of it as if it as a piggy back ride ok? Just up to that door 3 floor up ok?

Lyla: i dont want to what if i hurt you again or you drop me?

You lean down and look into Lylas eyes look at me Lyla.. trust me ok you have to trust me for this we have to move fast and to do that you need to get onto my back i dont want you to worry about me ok? I can handle the pain i promise..

Lyla: pinky promise? *she holds out her pinky*

You: pinky promise.. *you give her your pinky and pick her up and start to walk up to the roof here maybe some of the people ho have evacuated can hear you. You get to the top and try to open the door hen its still locked..* no no no NO NO crap! Ok umm think umm ok Lyla im going to put you down in that corner and i want you to sit there and look away at the wall or something..

Lyla: ok what are you gonna do?

You: i.. I am going to kick this door down so that we can get out of here..

She steps back and sits down in the corner and faces the wall and you take the last bit of energy that you have and take all of your pain and use it to kick the door to the roof as hard as you could.. Kicking the door down you run back and grab Lyla and when you go to pick her up your leg goes numb and you cant feel it you fall forwards almost fall on Lyla*

You: shoot!

Lyla: Dr. Sloan!

You: im ok Lyla its just my leg come on

You hold onto the railing picking yourself up so that Lyla could jump back onto your back once she was you start to limp out to the rooftop still limping your trying to grab onto anything you can to hold yourself up you put Lyla down when you got far enough away from the door and limp over to the edge of the roof and start to yell frantically over the edge and waving your arms hoping that someone would hear you*

You: Lyla i know you're laying down but can you scream for me? Lyla??

*you turn around and Lyla went unconscious from blood loss*

No no no NO Lyla stay with me ok? You need to stay with me, you're going to be ok, someone is going to find us it's ok. you continue chest compressions*

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