seventy two

70 2 0

May 2017

Talia and Peter walk down the hallways of the Compound, anxious to see what Tony called them down for. They walk into the conference room, eyebrows furrowing when they see a projector screen set up and Tony and Rhodey by a computer.

"What the hell is going on?" Tal asks while sitting down at the table.

"Well," Peter sits down. "I think it's time we talked."

"So why is Rhodey here?"

"I needed some support for this."

Talia scrunches her nose at him and rolls her eyes when Tony turns on the presentation.

Safety with Sex by Tony is displayed on the screen.

"Um..." Peter starts.

"Ah, ah ah." Tony holds out a finger. "You wanna date my daughter, you both listen to what I have to say."

"I have a headache already." Peter mutters.

"My back hurts from falling down the stairs earlier." Tal whispers while Peter chuckles.

"That was hilarious, it felt painful. I can give you a back massage later."

"Ooo. I can give you head later."

"WHAT? This is what I'm talking about." Tony mutters while rubbing his temples.

"Sounds like a plan." Peter says with a smirk.

"Hey!" Tony snaps his fingers, interrupting the duo's little game. "Listen here!" He points to the screen.

Talia groans as she sees a banana and a condom.

"Dad we learned this in school."

"I am recapping for you two."

Talia rubs her temples while Peter watches Tony explain how to put on a condom, the poor boy blushing vibrant red.

"Okay. Next is for Tal." The slide changes to birth control options. "We can put you on the pill or something. Maybe an IUD."

"Jesus Christ."

"I think you should do the pill, but obviously I'll let you decide which option you like best."

"I'll take the goddamn pill."

Tony claps his hands together. "Okay great!"

The next slide is a list of rules, Talia face palms as she starts reading them.

"Okay the first is pretty simple; keep the door open when you hang out. I don't need you two scaring Vision's cyborg brain with unholy images." Talia rolls her eyes. "Second, no PDA in front of me. That shit makes me uncomfortable...specially cause you're my daughter. Ew gross. Anyway, number three; no sex on the couches. We sit there and that's just gross." Talia can feel embarrassment coming from Peter and can feel his blush spreading. "And lastly, just be safe."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, Sparky."

"Wanna pitch in Rhodey?"

The man next to Tony just glances at the two kids. "I have no part in this. Tony just wanted support."

"Great. Can we leave? This was very uncomfortable and I never want to do this again?"

"I agree..." Peter mutters.

"Yes, yes. Go on. Do whatever it is teens these days do."

"Did you just admit that you're old?" She asks with a smirk.

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