063. LIES

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Chloe and James we're hanging out by the pool as Chloe turned to him "do you think Kendall's being weird?" She asked as James thought about it "hmm, you know, I wasn't gonna bring it up but now since you have, yeah

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Chloe and James we're hanging out by the pool as Chloe turned to him "do you think Kendall's being weird?" She asked as James thought about it "hmm, you know, I wasn't gonna bring it up but now since you have, yeah. He kind of is." James told her and while they were lounging by the pool the other three guys were talking through walkies.

"All agents report. I repeat all agents report. Over!" Kendall told them as Carlos was hiding behind a bush by the pool "you know, I overhear them saying your acting weird and there right you are!" Carlos told him and James and Chloe heard his voice as they turned towards him but he quickly hid so they couldn't see him.

"Logan, have you spotted them as well?" Kendall asked as Logan was at Bitters computer in the lobby "I am unable to hack into Bitters system. And I'm a littler freaked out by his screen saver. Plus can't you just leave them alone, Chloes moved on, you already moved on. Get over it!" Logan told him as the screen saver then showed Bitters head on Carlos's body.

"what are you doing?" Kendall's mom asked "not a covert operation to spy on James and Chloe while they fall madly in love." Kendall told his mom as he knocked over the plans "honey, she's moved on and I thought you did as well, your just gonna have to handle seeing them together all the time and being in love cause he stepped down when he realized you liked her. Giving you your chance, now it's time for James to have his chance so move on!" His mom told him as he got up walking towards his bag.

"Your right mom, thank you, I mean we broke up it's over and technically it was already over by the time we got back from tour when she told me she didn't have a thing for James when she obviously did." Kendall told her as his mom furrowed her brows "that's not what I meant." She told him as Kendall walked out the door "love you mom, bye." He told her exiting the apartment to go meet up with Jo.

Soon Carlos, Logan, Kendall and Jo all arrived at the pool as they all walked over to Chloe and James "hey, guys, weren't you all supposed to get here, a few minutes ago?" James asked as Carlos smiled "yeah, but Kendall was having us spy..." he began as Logan smacked him in the back of the head as Chloe and James furrowed there brows as they looked to Kendall.

"Why?" They asked as he started to laugh as Jo looked to him as well "did he say spy, he meant fly!" Kendall told them as Chloe and James raised there eyebrows "dude, if your jealous just say so." James told him as Chloe nodded as the boy started to nervous laugh again as everyone was looking at him "pfft, no, I'm not jealous, we broke up remember, it's all cool." Kendall told them as James got up, pulling Chloe with him.

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, me, Carlos and Chloe are off to Rocque Records. Where we can..I don't know..make out without Kendall being weird." James told them as Chloe laughed turning to Jo and Kendall "seriously guys, things don't need to be weird, I found my true love and I don't want things to be weird anymore, So, I hope we could be friends." She told them.

"I'd like that." Jo told her smiling "me too." Kendall told her as James then started pulling her away as they went to get changed "bye guys." Chloe told them waving as the two then ran off laughing, Carlos following behind them as Jo looked to Kendall "you know, Chloes not so bad and that ring James got her is amazing, you've seen it right Logan?" She asked as he nodded his head as Kendall started to nervous laugh as both of them looked at him with furrowed brows.

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