How you feel when you see him with his new girlfriend

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Jason~  You feel upset and suddenly your mood dropped after seeing them together so happy. 

Mikey~  Although you know you shouldn't be, you are happy to see him happy again. 

Nick~ To see him so happy, made you sad, but then you realized how he deserves to be happy again.

Madison~You get angry. You wanted him, and you don't want him happy with someone else.

Thomas~ You get very upset and start to cry a little, but then realize that you deserve someone to make you as happy as she makes him. 

Louis~ You blow it off. You see them, and think nothing of it. You couldn't care less what he does anymore. 

Vinny~ At first you are happy for him, but then you start to think and you realize that you want him back. You love and miss him. 

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