83 Didn't See that Coming

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With the last person petitioning for a transfer finished, I finally felt like I could relax. Everyone we spoke to seemed like charming people, but I was out of my depth. Selfishly, I wanted to approve Link's family just so that Ethan's first friend could stay with us.

"So how does it feel to be the cool kids?" Sara teases as she takes a seat across from us.

"Lord knows, you tell me," I reply wryly. Nex takes a seat next to Sara and like a light bulb is turned on I suddenly catch on to their intentions.

She wants to talk about transferring out... I'm not ready for this.

"You good Jess?" Nex asks, his eyes swimming with concern.

"Yeah," I mumble, palming my forehead. "Been an interesting night."

As if on cue to collect his prize, Kane and Willow show up and take a seat. Because of the nature of the evening, everyone has been spread apart, to allow people unintimidating access to the various packs.

"Come to gloat?" I ask Kane, who scowls in response. He feels torn but over what I'm not sure, which only confuses me.

He pays me no mind and turns his intention onto Nex instead. "And you're sure about this? It's not too late to change your mind," Kane grumbles.

"Never been more sure of anything in my life," Nex replies with a crooked grin. His dark eye shines with excitement as he wraps an arm around Sara.

"Well in that case," Willow starts, "I have a going away gift for you."

Before he can protest, she takes his head in her hands and I can feel her energy shift. His eyes close tightly and brows knit tightly in discomfort. A moment later, she lets go and he blinks in shock. The milky film obscuring his damaged eye is completely gone.

"Holy fuck Willow," he gasps, staring at her beaming face. "But how? You tried before..."

"I got better," she giggles. "As terrible as this war was, it gave me a lot of practice and working with Mira and Sasha has taught me more than I ever dreamed of." Her bright blue eyes shine with pride as she reflects on no doubt how much she's grown.

Nex gapes like he can't believe he can fully see again. "Well, it's...I mean...thank you," he finally spits out.

"What did you mean going away present?" Sara asks, narrowing her gaze.

Clearly he hasn't run whatever this is by Sara.

"There's still time," Kane whispers, earning an elbow in the ribs from Willow.

"You gonna tell her or should I?" Chris asks with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes and a crooked grin.

"I defer to you, ALPHA," Nex replies, stressing his title. Sara looks between the men utterly confused.

"Nex came to me while Jess was recovering. We talked about many things but the important one was joining our pack..." Chris starts as Sara's eyes go wide and she brings a trembling hand to her lips.

The wave of emotions that hits me catches me off guard. Sara has always hidden her feelings except anger well. But the shock and confusion from her mixed with the love from Nex and pride from Chris are powerful.

"Nearly losing you to Bill was an eye opener for me," Nex says, drawing Sara's attention. "My stupid pride got in the way, I was too concerned with bringing you back to see how much your pack means to you."

"We both have that, I should have-"

"No, it's not the same. Looking back I could see how much they are your family." His words are so tender yet firm and raw. "Here, there, or as rogues, as long as I have you, that's all that matters."

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