Chapter 26

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This is a beta version of Enar's Vacation. Changes can - and probably will - be made as a result of reader feedback. I hope you'll enjoy it and I hope you'll take the time to give me some feedback. It will help me make this story the best it can be.


Enar's heart stopped beating and he stared up at Amanda, mouth hanging open. "Your message?" This wasn't happening. "I mean yes," he hurried to say. "Yes. I got your message." He glanced around. The inn stood closed and silent. No one came up the road. "Uhm... what did you want?"

Amanda's smile began to fade, but she pulled it back on and beamed down at him, eyes wide and teeth gleaming. "Well, you know, I had business in the area, so I was here anyway." Her smile grew even wider. "I figured I might as well see if I could get hold of you and apologize for yesterday." She made a dismissive gesture and laughed a little. "It was really rude of me to run off on you like that."

"What?" Where'd she gotten that from? "I'm the one who should apologize. I was being cruel and thoughtless." He'd been an absolute jerk. He'd promised himself he'd make it up to her. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad. If I hadn't been an idiot it wouldn't have happened. It's all my fault." Sure, he'd been drunk, but he'd made a promise to himself. She wasn't playing him was she? Was this some cruel joke to get revenge? No one smiled like that for real.

Amanda's face didn't change. "No! It's me. You were just being happy and excited about this girl you'd met. I shouldn't be forcing my old baggage on you like that. It's been years." She shrugged. "I really should have gotten over it by now."

Enar cleared his throat and put his hands on his hips. "I still feel I did you wrong by just prattling on and on like that. I was as tactful as an elephant." It'd hurt his cheeks to smile that wide.

"Don't worry about it. You clearly didn't mean any harm - I just let it get to me."

"Yes, but I should have known better." He stared up at her. "Okay?"

"As should I." Her smile disappeared. "Okay?"

Their eyes locked. The wind died down and the birds stopped singing. The silence was absolute. Enar refused to move. His throat itched, but he wouldn't give in. He wouldn't cough, or sigh, or clear his throat. He would not give in.

The horse lifted its tail and pooped.

Enar's mouth twitched. Amandas mouth twitched. They both looked at the horse, who just stood there as if nothing had happened. The giggles threatened to kill him. Poop.

Enar lost. "We're both being idiots aren't we?"

"No," snapped Amanda. "I'm being perfectly reasonable." She snorted and stuck up her nose. "Now stop being difficult!"

"You're being a very bad sheep! Come down here so I can unwool you!" Wait! Wrong word. That dress wasn't made of wool was it? Crap! His cheeks burned.

Amanda stared down at him with anger in her eyes. "Baaaaaa," she said after a moment and started giggling uncontrollably.

The tension ran off of him and that awkward, goofy, smile crept on to his face. He struggled to keep it off but gave in. It didn't matter. Everything was fine. He smiled his stupid smile and giggled too.

Eventually, Amanda composed herself, wiped her eyes and took a long deep breath. "Okay, we're good then? No hard feelings?"

Enar nodded. "No hard feelings. Just... how did you find me? I don't recall telling you where I stayed."

"You didn't. I was running a delivery for the cider-house, but I was a bit early so I stopped by the kennel and checked with Rufus. Then I just went by Rolf's place and had a word with Beired."

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