Chapter 1

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This is a beta version of Enar's Vacation. Changes can - and probably will - be made as a result of reader feedback. I hope you'll enjoy it and I hope you'll take the time to give me some feedback. It will help me make this story the best it can be.


It was that time of the year. Spring had dressed the world to dance and summer was tuning its instruments, eager to start playing. A bright afternoon sun shone down on a little train making its way east across the plain near the forest's edge. In one of the cars, by a window, sat Enar, lost in thought and gazing out over the passing landscape.

Enar was in his early thirties and, by anfylk standards, rather average. Perhaps he was a little rounder than what was perfectly healthy, but so were a lot of people these days. His hair was dark and unruly but respectably short, if not recently cut. For the trip he'd dressed comfortably, in a sweater, jeans and his favorite hiking boots - though it had been a while since he last did any hiking. A heavy coat hung from a peg on the wall next to the window by his seat.

On the other side of the glass, to the north, the Lower Vil fields stretched out as far as the eye could see. A vast expanse of nothing but the greenest grass and wildflowers.

To the south, on the right side of the train, grassland dotted with trees and bushes stretched for about half a mile until the vegetation became dense and high enough to be called a forest for real. Deeper into the woods, hills rose - higher and higher, further and further away. Eventually, the hills would become mountains, with snow-tipped peaks glistening in the summer sun - but you couldn't see that from here.

Above it all, the sky went on forever, endlessly blue and with not a cloud in sight.

The forested hills on his right, and the wide open plains on his left, stood in stark contrast to each other. Enar couldn't help but feel it was symbolic in some way. Sitting in the middle, between two different worlds - the fields and the forest - summed up his life at the moment pretty well.

On one side he had his past - well known and familiar, with his sick mother, and full of worries and concerns. On the other side lay the future - unknown and secretive, but oh so full of promises and hidden opportunities.

The more he thought about it, the less certain he became of which side was which. The symbolism went both ways. Did he come down from the dark hills of the past to step into a bright new future; or did he come from the comfortable familiarity of the open fields, to brave the dangers of the forest in search of a safe haven among the hills?

Not that it mattered - not really.

The main point was that he was in the middle, apart from both past and future, in a little train taking him on his first vacation in years.

The train would take him to Irnrad, in the East Hemsfil anetacht. From there, he'd get transported to one of the many villages of the anetacht, where he'd spend a handful of days with one of the local families. They'd take care of him, make sure he got food at regular hours, and that he had a safe and pleasant stay. It would be traditional and respectable, without unsettling surprises or escapades.

Enar smiled to himself. He'd be guided through his stay here like the little train on its rails - it would be just what he needed.

Sure, he'd be in a new and unfamiliar environment, but it'd be fine. His people had lived there like that ever since their goddess created them. It's what they were meant to do. How hard could it be?

His people.

The little train was full of them, and only them - fylkin from the anetacht on the way home from the market. Someone a few seats up ahead even had a little pig on leash.

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