Chapter 25

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This is a beta version of Enar's Vacation. Changes can - and probably will - be made as a result of reader feedback. I hope you'll enjoy it and I hope you'll take the time to give me some feedback. It will help me make this story the best it can be.


Enar stepped up on the road and stopped. He set down the toolbox and took a deep breath. The thing was heavier than he remembered.

He looked to the right, up the road, to where the burrow lay. He should head that way, get rid of the toolbox, and come back without it. To the left, past the big boulder, lay the inn and his destination. That's where he'd meet Jolene. She might already be there, waiting for him.

The toolbox weighed more now than down at the gazebo, but it wasn't that heavy, not really. He could bring it along and it'd save him some time. Maybe Jolene had somewhere else to be and she might leave. If he took it easy and walked slowly he wouldn't get worked out and sweaty from carrying the toolbox, and he'd still arrive sooner than if he went and dropped it off. It wasn't that far to the inn.

It would be fine. He could bring the box. Maybe it would even look good on him? With a toolbox and his flat cap and a little bit worn from the day's work he'd look a good honest man - capable and down to earth.

He flexed his hand and bounced on his toes a few times. He took a deep breath and forced it out in a quick burst. Ready to move and in good spirits, he picked up the toolbox and marched off towards the inn.

A little bit out of breath, and perhaps a little more sweaty than he'd hoped for, Enar arrived outside the inn. Where the path from out by the oaks hit the road he stopped and looked around. The place was dead. He set down the toolbox, took off his cap and wiped his brow with the back of his hand.

Empty. Apart from Hedgie, grazing out in the field, he didn't see a breathing soul. He must be early. The tables outside the inn stood empty, and shutters covered the windows. No wagon waited in the wagon shed, and as far as he could tell, the stables was empty too.

He thought about checking the door to the inn. She did work there and she might be inside and fixing with something. Then again, the message had said she'd wait outside. The door was probably locked anyway. The building looked closed and empty, like someone had tucked it in to sleep until next it was needed.

What if he felt the door and it wasn't locked and he entered a completely empty building? He turned his back to the house and looked at Hedgie in the field. The horse grazed. She might have noticed him and she might not, but she didn't seem to care at all that he stood there.

Why should she? She had grass on the ground and apples in the tree and she probably had water somewhere nearby too. What else did a horse need? He'd read somewhere about horses liking company, but Hedgie didn't seem to mind being all on her own out there in the field. Then again, he wasn't a horse, and horses probably preferred hanging out with other horses. Elsie could probably tell him all about it if he asked.

Maybe he should sit down for a bit? Rest his legs and catch his breath? He could. Empty chairs and tables stood waiting in the open space in front of the inn. No one would mind if he used them. They wouldn't be standing there if you weren't allowed to sit on them. Still, they were part of the inn. It wasn't that he was afraid. It just wasn't his place. He was a stranger here. He shouldn't disturb a sleeping house he didn't know.

This spot was fine. Right by the edge of the field. He could stand here and wait. He wasn't that tired. If he stood by the road it would look like he'd just arrived, and he wouldn't make her feel bad for being late. Relaxed and casual. Patient.

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