31. Into fire

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Warning: Chapter may be dark and/or triggering. Read with caution!



The ranch was burning.

George's heart was beating faster than he could run. His head was hurting, his eyes stinging from the smoke.

And then, he started running. He ran faster than he had ever done, so fast everything around him blurred and only the road stayed clear. Blood flooded through his body and filled him with energy. Only one thing was in his mind - save Dream.

Dawn had no chance to catch up. He reached the stables so fast he almost ran past it, and now everything was clearer.

The stables, the main house and even the forest around stood in flames. The pastures were already filled with terrified horses, but neighs were still heard from the burning stable.

On the side of the road, he spotted a white car.

Paul's car.

That absolute psychopath had burned the ranch! He had put lives at risk, for what? To find George?

"George!" a familiar voice called. "George, is that you?"

Henry came running towards him. George neighed as a response and galloped through the gate to meet him.

"James and Dream are still in there!" Henry told him and pointed at the stables, completely out of breath. "They tried to rescue all the horses!"

George's heart almost stopped.

Dream was still in there.

With no hesitation, he started running again. He couldn't lose Dream, not when he had promised to return. He couldn't.

But he was stopped by a white body jumping in front of him. Dawn.

"Don't!" she warned. "You're going to die in there!"

"Dream is going to die in there!" George almost screamed. "I have to save him!"

"No, you don't!" Dawn kicked him hard in the chest with her front hoof, and he jumped back in surprise. "You won't do any good in there. If he can't save himself, you can't save him either."

"It's worth a try!" George argued. "I can't live without him anyway!"

"So what if you die and he doesn't? Then all you have done is lose him and me!"

George took a step forward. "Move."

Dawn stared at him, put down four hooves and angrily swished her tail. "No!"

And then, George reared. "I said move!"

Dawn was so taken by surprise by his action that she practically jumped out of the way. But before George could even start running, a loud crash from the stables stopped him for a second time.

It was the door that had opened. And now, four horses came galloping out of it. Henry hurried to meet them, and soon after, James was seen as well.

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