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Diana was currently at their flat, Sirius was supposed to follow her, but it has been an hour, and Sirius hasn't arrived.

She took one last glance at Remus' door, before apparating to Grimmuald place.

Ones she was there she saw them panicking, even Dumbledore was also there he was pacing.

Diana went to Sirius, and calmed him down, Tonks was also there and she herself was panicking, Kingsley arrived and started to ask Dumbledore why he called for him.

"Harry Potter and his friends may be going to the ministry, Severus told us that he overheard Potter call Sirius' name" Dumbledore said, and Kingsley nodded.

"Do you know their location right now?" Kingsley asked, and they shooked their heads.

"Then we'll be heading to the Ministry" Kingsley said looking at Remus, then at Tonks, then at Sirius, then at-.

"Headmaster" Athena said as she emerged from the fireplace.

"Athena, what is it dear?" Dumbledore asked as he saw the girl's wand in her hand, and she looked very exhausted.

"Potter, Has done it Sir", She said with a proud smile, and Remus couldn't help, but smile as well.

"What is it Athena?" Diana asked her.

"Umbridge is out of our hair" She said and Dumbledore sighed in relief.

"Let's go" Kingsley said looking at Remus and Tonks.

"I can go" Athena said as she tied her hair.

"I can as well" Sirius said, Kingsley looked at Dumbledore and he nodded.

"I can go", Diana said, and Dumbledore shooked his head.

"You'll stay here, you never know when someone comes home injured" Dumbledore said and Diana nodded, even if she has bad feeling about Sirius going with them.

"We'll take our leave" Dumbledore said and they went out of Grimmuald place to start their mission.

"Dear are you alright?" Molly asked and Diana shooked her head.

"I'm worried Molly" She said and Molly sighed.

"I know you're worried so Am I, you don't know what's happening to them" Molly said and Diana gave her a weak smile.

"I just hope they'll be fine" Diana said and Molly smiled at her.


"We wouldn't get there in time" Kingsley said as they started to run, Dumbledore already went with Faux, that's why they're running.

"Oh don't be dumb, we're wizards! We can apparate" Tonks reminded, them and they looked at her, and nodded, one by one they apparated to the Ministry.

"Let's search every room we don't know where they are" Kingsley said.

"Oh c'mon we can split up and when the other finds them send a signal fast" Tonks said and they nodded.

They started to split up and find the correct department or room where the kids were Sirius was looking at every room trying to hear the kids.

He was going to open another door when he saw a green flare.

"Athena" He said and ran to the direction, as he was running he was joined by Remus, Kingsley, and Tonks.

"They're here", Athena said, and Tonks crossed her arms.

"How are you sure?" She asked.

"Listen", She said and they did, Sirius heard spell blast and a cackle.

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