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Christmas came and Scorpius woke up earlier than usual, he looked at Draco's bed and saw that he was awake as well.

"Merry Christmas Draco" He said with a smile, Draco smiled back at him.

"Merry Christmas" He said back.

"Now let's open these" Draco said looking at the pile at his bed, Scorpius looked at his bed and saw a pile as well.

Scorpius got a New Book from his Mum, a bunch of sweets from Hermione, and Surprisingly a book from Harry, and another book from his Uncle Remus and Surprisingly a gift from Archer, and another book from Draco.

And a Weasley sweater from obviously Mrs. Weasley.

But what surprised him the most was the two things he have lost last quidditch match, came back.

He looked at it and saw that it was all in one piece, but he's still curious on who gave it back, he remembered he had it near the quidditch field.

He looked at Draco and he saw that he was opening his presents.

"Draco I'll be back, I just need to check on something" He said as he stood up from his bed reached for his trunk, and started to grab his Weasley sweater from last year and a coat, to top it all of, he took a beanie as well, and his satchel.

'You'll never know when you'll need something' He thought to himself as he touched the bag, he felt a muggle camera, and the dagger that he found, but there's more in his satchel that can help him.

"Where are you going?" Draco shouted at him.

"At the Quidditch Field, I just need to check on something" He said, and Draco sighed.

As The boy ran through different parts of the castle he finally made to the Quidditch field, he went to the place where he had last seen his book, and sketchbook.

He looked around the stands, to search for a clue, that someone has been there, but nothing, he went down re-tracing his steps, but as he went down he saw paw prints at the snow.

He neared the paw prints, and examined it.

"Dog prints?" He questioned as he looked at it, then it hit him, there was a stray dog here, he looked at it more quizzically- he was examining the prints.

"I need more time to examine these" He said, he took a muggle camera from his satchel, he took a photo of it, and ran back to the castle.

"I am Certainly not sharing this with anyone" He said to himself as he reached Salazar's Portrait.

"Password?" It spat, A smirk curled at his lips before stating the words.

"Parslemouth" The portrait swung open and the boy went inside, he went to his dormitory and saw Draco sitting on his bed.

"This came in earlier" Draco said and gave him the letter, Scorpius took of his jacket, and took it.

"Bloody Hell" He said ones her read the letter.

"The letter's from Hermione, and if my calculations are correct, I can get inside their common room" Scorpius said, Draco looked at him and went to his bed he took a gift and gave it to him.

"If you do get inside give this to Harry" He said and Scorpius smirked at him.

"Oh this is going to be fun" He said with a dry laugh, and Draco smacked him behind the head.

"Oh just shut up and give it to Harry" He said and Scorpius saluted like a soldier.

He took the two things that he received that day, and by that, he took his sketchbook and his DADA book.

Hermione had specifically told him to meet him in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, and told him to bring something he had received from a stranger, or no note at all.

When he reached the portrait he saw Hermy there, with Remus, and Professor McGonagall.

"Merry Christmas" Scorpius said ones he reached them, a smile on his face.

"I didn't think they actually received one" He said looking at the two brooms.

"And this was given to your Mother" McGonagall said, and Scorpius looked at it, it was a ring with the Gryffindor emblem.

"What was given to you?" McGonagall said.

"Nothing really, my Sketchbook, and DADA book just appeared" He said and Remus gestured for him to follow him to his office.

"We'll check it Professor" Remus told McGonagall and She gave the ring to Remus.

"Wait 'Mione, give this to Harry, it's from a certain ferret" He said with a wink, and Hermione was beyond shock.

"Really?" She asked and Scorpius gave her a goofy grin, and she clapped a hand in her mouth.

"I can't believe it" She said before going to the portrait, and McGonagall left.

"Well we should be going" Remus said as he and Scorpius went to his office.

"Well this is pretty interesting" Scorpius said as he examined the ring.

"Oi you're not supposed to touch it" Remus said as he seized the ring from Scorpius.

"Don't you think it's scary?" Scorpius said in his usual tone, his annoyed, and sarcastic tone.

"What's scary?" Remus asked as he examined the brooms in his desk.

"That all of a sudden Harry, and Archer got a Firebolt, then Mum gets a ring, but that looks very familiar if you ask me" He said.

"And this I dropped this at the Quidditch pitch a few months ago" He said, as he looked at the ring, it was something that he can't quite put a finger to it.

"Well now that you put it that way I am quite curious" He said.

"Now were on the same path" He said sarcastically.

"I don't really get your tone young man" Remus said as he looked at The sketchbook, and the DADA book.

"That's why I'm so hard to read" He said with a snort and Remus chuckled.

"You were always fit for a Slytherin" Remus said with an amused chuckle.

"What can I say, I'm one of the Lucky ones that Salazar picked to be in his oh so noble house" He said sarcastically, followed by a scoff, and an Eyeroll.

"By now you should know how to read me, I am your Nephew after all" He said looking at Remus amused.

"I've known you ever since and I know everything about you by now" Remus said still amused.

"Well clearly, you're not that good" He said a smirk playing on his lips.

"You know bloody well what I mean" Remus said as he was done examining the objects on his desk.

"Well we shall return these, and I see that Archer has been writing, better answer him" Remus said as he pointed at the bewitched parchment, Scorpius looked at it and nodded at his Uncle.

That day he and Draco spent the whole day at the common room, playing Wizard's Chess.

"I still don't know why you used to share your problems with Moaning Myrtle" Scorpius said.

"You Mean Elizabeth" He said and Scorpius nodded.

"I've talked to her a couple of times as well, she's a great listener to be honest" Scorpius continued.

"But you could've told me you had that kind of trouble, I could've helped" He said and Draco sighed.

"That's why I'm asking for your help now" He said.

"I think we can manage for another year, I can't break you out, by myself, I'm sorry Drake" He said and Draco sighed.

"Well goodnight cousin" He said, "Goodnight" He replied back.



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