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When Diana was sure that the two were safely in their common rooms, she went to the grounds and was ready to go to Hogsmeade to apparate back she caught a glimpse of black fur in the bushes.

Curiously, Diana went near the bush, and when she looked at it nothing was there.

"Must be tired" She said and apparated out of Hogwarts.

Sirius sighed and went to the shrieking shack, he transformed back to his human form, and sat at the stool near the piano, he looked at the keys and broke down.

He looked at the floor board and he saw the carvings, he smiled, but broke down again, it was something he will never forget.

He was always in the shack, but he never broke down like this, after seeing Diana he doesn't know what happened to him.

He remembered two certain memories in the shack, memories which he cherished the most.


"No one's going to know" Sirius said as he pulled Diana the the entrance of the shack at Hogsmeade.

"And besides no one goes at the shack, except us every full moon" Sirius said and Diana sighed.

"Fine" She said and Sirius smiled and continued to pull her to the shack.

"I still don't know why you want to play the piano there" Diana said.

"You do know Remus knows how to play, right?" He said and Diana looked at him in disbelief as they were inside.

"Yup, so don't be to shocked" Sirius said.

"Sit there, I'll play" He said and Diana sat at the bed, she looked around and saw a carving at the floor.

"Really?" She said looking at the carving.

"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs" She said tracing the names.

"Not only that look" Sirius said pointing at the other floor board.

"Lily-Flower, and Diana-Dear, wait is this? My Athena?" She said and Diana laughed.

"You really carved our names as well?" She said and Sirius nodded.

"Let me guess with that" Diana said pointing at Sirius' dagger, he always had one on his pocket.


"Oi, Moony c'mon!" James said as Remus was about to leave the shack.

"Just one time Moony, Madame Pomfrey would understand, and besides this won't take long" Peter said and Remus sighed, he bent down at the floor board and saw Sirius' bloody hands.

"Look I carved my name!" He said excitedly and passed the dagger around.

"Let's add their names" James said pertaining to Diana and Lily.

"Hmm, Let's put Lily-Flower, and Diana-Dear!" Sirius said and the two started to carve the names.

"Seriously, you'll let your hands get bruised" Remus said, and Peter snorted.

"That's what they'll do for Love" Peter said.

"Oh c'mon we know you'd put Athena's name here" James said, and Remus rolled his eyes, before getting the dagger out of James' hand.

"There Happy?" He said ones the name was carved.

"Very- wait, your Athena?" Sirius said with a smirk, and Remus punched him playfully at the shoulder.

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