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"Not that I'm complaining, but isn't this too much?" Scorpius asked, it was their Birthday, and the gift that Regulus, Remus, and Sirius gave them was too much.

"We mean Mrs. Weasley offered us to go with them in the Quidditch World Cup, but-" Archer was cutted off by Regulus.

"You deserve that" Sirius said, and the twins exchanged looks.

"Are you sure?" They asked in unison being more sceptical.

"Yes" The three said and they smiled.

"Alex!" The two of them shouted when they saw the owl.

Archer took the letter and they both read it.

To my dearest twins

I'm sorry If I couldn't be there for the first time, But in the brighter side your father's there, my loves remember that I love you, and please don't worry about me, I'm doing fine.


As the twins read the letter Archer sighed and a tear dropped from his eye, and Scorpius was trying nit to cry.

"How can we not worry about her, when she's so far away?" Archer said, as he ran a hand at his hair.

Scorpius sighed and sat at a nearby chair.

"Maybe the Quidditch World Cup'll be a better distraction" Scorpius said, and Archer nodded.

"She'll be alright, may I remind you that your mother is Diana Faye Lupin, she raised you alongside with the two of them, and she managed even If I did hurt her" Sirius said at the twins with a smile.

"Thanks that actually made us feel a lot better" Archer spoke for the two of them.

"I think this person will actually make you a tiny bit better" Regulus said.

"Who?" The twins asked.

"Me" Draco said with a smile, Scorpius smiled, and hugged the Slytherin.

"You're correct Scorp, this does feel like entering a Lion's den unarmed" Draco said.

"Who- Who took him from the Manor?" Scorpius asked as he looked at the three adults.

"That's the fun part, he ran away" Regulus said.

"He came here last night, shocked me to death" Sirius said.

"Bloody hell" Archer said.

"Well welcome to the family" Archer said with a smile.

"Be sure to be careful at the World Cup, before I ran away I heard Father saying something about it" Draco said.

"We will don't worry", The two said in unison.


"Padfoot they're going to be alright, they have Arthur with them" Remus said as a frustrated Sirius paced up an down the corridor.

"I have a feeling that they won't be" He said as he ran a hand at his hair.

"They'll be fine, They've been through a lot, and that's saying something" Draco said as he sat down beside Regulus.

"I can't" Sirius said still pacing.

"If it makes you feel better, let's open the radio" Regulus said, and Sirius looked at him.

"Good, good- ni-nice Idea" He said as he sat down at a nearby chair.

Regulus took the radio, and opened it, ones it was opened, he seemed to calm down.

"That's what's happening at the World Cup, so don't get your knickers on a twist" Remus said.

And Sirius sighed in relief at least he knows what's happening.


Diana just got home from work, and she was exhausted, she looked at the papers in her table, she looked at the envelopes, and opened them one by one.

It has been months since she started to work in New York.

Dear Mum,

Remember when we wrote about the tickets to the Quidditch World cup? We're leaving tonight!

And Draco safe with us, We hope to see you soon, and we hope you're safe.


Sherlock, and Five

Dear Diana,

Can you tell the twins to stop worrying about you? Can you tell me when you're coming back, I know you said in a year, but I still want to know the exact date, I'm still your Brother, so I have the right to know.

And don't worry the twins is with Mr. Weasley, in the world cup.

Missing you always,


Dear Ana,

Don't worry the twins are safe they're getting ready for their term

Lovingly yours


Dear Ann,

The heck, why aren't you responding to any of our letters?

Sirius is word as shit, and Remus said he needs to calm down, but he can't.

Just try to reply, alright?


Dear Ann,

Seriously you should reply to our letters I'm getting worried, all of us is getting worried, where are you?

Please Ann, reply


Dear Ann,

You should know that the twins are really good in Astronomy I know I've said this a million times, but their grades is higher than before

Hope to see you soon!


Dear Mum,

Sorry If I haven't written to you, but do you know that Harry's name was in the Goblet of Fire?

And do you know that he's competing?

Well Dad talked to him, and the bad part is Ron's angry at him, well that's what I've heard from Archer, and we do have a lead on who might've done it.

Well I miss you, we all do, I love you!


Dear Mum,

The Yule Ball!!!

Well I have a date, Scorpius has a date, Harry has a date, Ron has a date, and 'Mione has a date.

You don't know how Angry Hermione was with Ron and Scorpius.

I have a date and well she's a Slytherin, she's Carina Downey, and I really like her.


Dear Mum,

That one chance that I can ask Hermione to the ball, and I blew it, I like her yes, but maybe I need to eat my words when I said that I won't date her.

Well I miss you


Dear Ann,

I need to see you, when can I visit you?


As Diana read all of the letters in her desk she sighed most of the letters in her desk was last Summer, and of she wasn't mistaken, it must be the last term.

The only recent letter was from Athena she took a parchment, and replied with a simple yes.



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