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As they arrived at Hogwarts, they were amused by the new comers they were terrified, and they couldn't blame them, they wouldn't know what was waiting for them.

"Let's see who Minnie gives the first Detention to" Sirius whispered to Remus as Dumbledore made his speech.

"Obviously it will be you, or James" Remus said, and Sirius smirked.

"How 'bout you Faye, who do you think will go to detention first?" He asked.

"You" She answered.

"Why me?" He asked Lily looked at the two and waited for an answer as well.

"Basically, James is trying to change while you're still your normal self" Diana replied.

"She has a point, Potter over there is trying his best, I think" Lily said, Sirius and Diana looked at eachother before Smirking.

"Whatever you say Lils", The two of them said in unison.


"We need details, what happened last July?" Marlene said as she sat on her bed, and Diana wished that she would shut up, since Diana was a blushing mess by now.

"You kissed didn't you?" Alice said and Diana nodded covering her face, the girls in the dormitory squealed.

"I can't believe it!"

"Bloody Hell!"

"I thought you'll say yes at Seventh year!"

"Merlin's beard! Ana did you did something else?"

"Did you shag!"

"Dear Salazar no!" Diana said as the three shut up.

"That's all you kissed?" Marlene said and Diana nodded.

"And to answer the third question we are not yet official", Diana said and the three smirked at her.

"So are you taking him to the Seventh year ball?" Alice asked.

"That's in Seventh year, and I supposed you're taking Frank" Dian said and Alice nodded.

"Even if we attended last year, he said he'll attend the ball with me, since it's my Seventh year" Alice said and the girls nodded.

"I bet you ten galleons Lily and James will go together" Diana said with a smirk, and Lily smacked her shoulder.

"I would never date James Potter, even if he's certainly cute when he's confused" Lily said.

"I'll bet you fifteen" Marlene said and the two girls smirked at her.

"Off to bed pinheads", Lily said with a groan and the girls laughed at her reaction.


It was five in the morning and as usual Diana was already awake and ready to start the day.

She went to the Great Hall only to find a couple of people inside it.

"Hey Lils" Diana said as she sat down beside her.

"Hey", She answered back the two of them ate peacefully, and waited for, Marlene and Alice.

As they were eating someone snaked and arm around Diana.

"Sorry, but no" Diana said as she stood up from her chair and went to the other side of the table.

Sirius groaned at her, and pouted, "But I want to be beside you" He whined.

"In your Dreams Black", Diana said as she sat down beside Remus.

"That's not what you said at our last day" Sirius said with a smirk, Diana's eyes widen, and narrowed her eyes at him.

Sirius laughed and gave her a playful smirk, and a wink.

"What's he talking about?" Alice said who just sat down beside them.

"Nothing" Diana said as she started to eat.


Their first class was Transfiguration, and it was the Marauders favourite class.

As Professor McGonagall was teaching them, they were writing notes, the notes that the professor was writing in the board.

As Remus was writing, he accidentally spilled his ink.

"Merlin's Bloody Balls!" He cussed, McGonagall heard it and snapped her head at the direction.

"How dare you James" Remus accused James, McGonagall glared at him and said.

"Detention Mr. Potter"

Remus was trying not to Snigger at James' reaction, James glared at his friend and smacked him behind the head.

Sirius sniggered at him, and Peter couldn't contain his laughter.

"Fucks Sake!" Someone shouted at the other side of the room, McGonagall's head snapped ones more and so did Remus, and the other three.

McGonagall was looking at Lily, and Diana.

"Ana, watch your language" Lily blamed, Diana's eyes widen.

McGonagall's eyes narrowed at Diana and Diana gave her a innocent smile.

"Detention Ms. Lupin" She said, and Diana looked at Lily clearly angry at her.

"Continue" McGonagall said as they were writing their notes.


Authors note:

Filler Chapter :)

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